#37: Courage I Dreaded For

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Onigashima- Live Stage

Seri was led towards the center area carrying a huge sake bottle. She managed to carry it all the way through the castle for it was a task given to her by Kyoushirou, who appeared to be Denjirou- one of the 9 scabbards. The sake was told to have a stronger intoxication effect. Seri was made to wear a rabbit mask. The long red yukata flow smoothly on the floor. She sweat dropped as she saw the huge man sitting on his throne like an impenetrable wall. She suddenly felt fear for what might happen once her cover had been blown.

"Greetings,Orochi-sama... Kaido-sama", she greeted.

"It's not that usual girl you bring", Kaido looked down and noticed. Seri's eyes met his sharp and kingly eyes. She cowered and bowed her head. "Well, yeah. I am ashamed she needed to face punishment", Orochi wanted to cover up how he hesitated to slash his Komurasaki.

"She's got an interesting smell in her", Kaido commented.

"We have prepared you a special sake, Kaido-sama. Would you please try it out?", Seri forced to give a smile. "Calm down, woman. It's not like I'm going to throw you out the window if I don't like the taste", Kaido grabbed the bottle from her and chugged it. Kaido burped and didn't say anything.

"Well done, Serima. Now, why don't you also get me some fruits and feed it to me?", Orochi was jealous and also wanted some special attention. Seri felt a little relieved and did as what Orochi asked him to.

"So, Yamato-sama isn't here again?".

"I heard he was locked in the dungeon".

Seri heard some of the murmurs and took interest on finding this Yamato. "Oh, woman. Pour me out some drinks, will you?", a hand grabbed on hers. "Let me go", she gave a calm voice and yet the drunk pirate froze on his spot. "Look at him all startled with how gorgeous your are", the other pirates laughed.

She looked around and saw Orochi and Kaido's men getting drunk. Trafalgar and the 9 scabbard's plan is perfectly working.

"Oi, woman. There's something I need you to do", Kaido called her attention.


Seri gulped as she takes one step and another. She was tasked to bring food to this Yamato person whom she never met before. That person was said to be Kaido's son. Is he also that huge and intimidating like his father?

As soon as she reached the edge of the stairs, she saw a silhouette of a lady. A huge one. She was staring at the full moon. She gently dropped the plate on the floor. "A woman. Why would my Father send a woman here?", Yamato's chains sounded.

Seri made a generous distance and looked at the prison-like room. "Do you... want to Get out from there?", Seri said with a trembling voice. "Why ask, young lady?", Yamato looked at her sorrowful eyes then removed her mask. "People are supposed to be free. That's how people should live", Seri raised her head and looked at Yamato with confident eyes. "Is that so? You sounded like someone I knew", Yamato reminisced a memory she held dearly.

Then, let's sail into the wide sea.

"I thought Kaido had a son", Seri entered closer.

"Woman, you need to get back there. There's nothing for you here", Yamato instructed. Seri saw a resemblance between the cuffs that celestial dragon used. "I'll try to picklock it", Seri removed her hair pin. Yamato stepped back. "This was done by my father. I fear that he'll not choose a cheap cuff that could be picklocked easily", Yamato explained. "Then, wait. Sooner or later, he'll come. His younger brother ", Seri smiled.

"Then, whats your story? I get the feeling we're quite the same", Yamato took off her mask. She was astonished to see scarlet orbs and gentle looking face. "I was once kept in a cell but I wasnt a captive or what. I was treated well will all things given", Seri started to open up. "But someone asked if I wanted to get free. I didnt understand him back then", Seri looked at the moon. "It's good to know that you're free. I can see that", Yamato smiled. "You will as well", Seri picked an apple and threw it to Yamato. "You just have to wait", she added.

"Don't give me such hope, young lady. I've been waiting for Ace for forever but he died. Since I was 8, I was forced to stay in this island", Yamato looked outside the small window. Seri held unto her chest. Seri held herself from saying something unwanted because she felt she's not the right person to reveal the truth. .

"Hey, lady. I bet he made a name for himself. So, how was the outside world? You're an outlander, aren't you?", Yamato asked full of curiousity. "Yes, he was called fire fist Ace. He did. He made a name for himself", Seri sat down on a nearby rubble. "I see. When he came here, he assured me he'll be strong enough to invite me out to sail in the wide sea", Yamato naratted how she and Ace met. Seri listened smiling from time to time.

"Yamato-san", she finally found her courage to speak out. "What are left when fire gets extinguished?", Seri clasped her hands together. "Why are you asking me such a tricky question?", Yamato tilted her head. Seri pressed her lips together.

"Ashes?", Yamato answered.

"Uhm. And as long as we see the ashes, we knew that there was once a flame that burned so bright", Seri opened her palm together and looked into Yamato's eyes.

"Why does Ace-san goes around leaving promises?", Seri clenched her fists.

"Eh?! You mean... You saw Ace before?!", Yamato grabbed on her hand having the sea prism clash into Seri's hands. "Yes", Seri nodded. "I see. How is that dude?There's so many things I want to tell him", Yamato chuckled. Seri but her lip. "Me too", she nodded. "Oh. I don't mean anything else. Are you his lover? I'm not...", Yamato shook her head.

"I also wanted to tell him so many things", Seri said in a soft voice. "I also wanted to do so many things with him. I wanted to hold his hand and just let him take me anywhere. I wanted to just see the world the way he does. I wanted to be enveloped with his fire. Unlike others, his fire doesnt burn. Its a fire that warms the coldest part of me", Seri bit her lips.

"Are you alright?", Yamato worried.

"But I just cant. He saved me... But I wasnt able to save him", Seri gasped. The alarm sounded causing Yamato not to hear her.

"Intruders. Let's talk about him again", Yamato run and joined the chaos.

Seri was left alone.


She was startled and looked around.


She remembered that a baby denden mushi was on her pocket. She flushed and let the transporter snail on her hand.

"Ah, he'll come. Eventually. He'll save her as well. Just how he did to you".

"Law-san. Where are you?", Seri asked.

"Im still at the submarine. We'll get there soon. For the time being, go hide somewhere. Your task had been delievered well. Leave the rest to be us".

"I understand. Law-san, let's get out of this mess alive. I will fight as well. I don't want to hide ".


There was a huge pause. Seri knew Trafalgar heard everything.

"He was also saved. You don't have to worry about that. I was there. I saw the smile in his face when he died. That's the kind of smile of a person who doesnt have any regrets at all. That's why..."

Seri breathed deeply.

"Don't feel so responsible, Seri-ya".

Seri tried not to cry but tears fell uncontrolably. She wiped her tears but they kept falling. Her chest began to tighten and her mind is just filled with memories with Ace.

"That's why. I guess even a short lived life can be meaningful as well", Trafalgar ended as the raid went wilder and louder.

Chapter end.

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