#21: The Silence is Fine

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Whale Hill

Seri dozed off after crying out loud.  Trafalgar tried to stand but her hands are gripping his shirt. He carried her in his arms. Looking down, the guy sighed looking at how comfortable looking she looked like Bepo whenever he dozes off. If she'll join his crew, he'll need to deal with two pet. Her hair is also as white as Bepo's snow-white fur. Thinking of it, he might take interest in her because it resembled the bear.

"Warm", a word escaped from Seri's mouth as she moved closer to Trafalgar. The man cleared his throat. "We're going down. Wake up", he said with his calm voice. "Sorry. I should have tried to escape on my own", she slept. Whatever dream she's having, it's clear that there is a sharp pain piercing through her heart. "I want to see you again", Seri burrowed her face in Trafalgar's chest who was already walking down the hill. 

"Idiot. If you wish for that, it's good as asking yourself to be dead", Trafalgar remembered Rosinante's smiling face. "But for his sake, I won't", he also mumbled by himself. 

Law, look how handy my ability is. 

It's stupid. It's not cool at all!

It's because of me that you can sleep properly. 

Seri slowly woke up. She looked up and saw the pirate captain carrying her. "I'm fine. You can let me go", Seri felt embarrassed. "What are you embarrassed by now? I've seen a lot", Trafalgar said with a bored tone. "Please let me go. I might be heavy", Seri covered her face. The last time someone carried her, in the same manner as when her father rescued her from getting burnt by the villagers. 

"What are you saying? You're like a bag of bones", Trafalgar sighed. Seri stopped struggling and held unto Trafalgar's shoulder. 

"Law-san, why did Ace-san die?", Seri looked at Trafalgar's arm wrapped with a bandage. 

The man closed his eyes. "I believe I gave you the answer", he stopped walking. "but I guess that's not enough to satisfy you. Ace is the son of Gol D. Roger, the former Pirate King. Because his blood flows in his veins, the World System decided that he was a big threat to them. If someone like Roger appears again, they fear that the world they tried to establish for centuries will fall", Trafalgar explained and opened his eyes.

"The world government unified the world so that there will be peace. They were the ones who offered protection to the reigning kingdoms. They are the heroes of this generation", Seri seemed to quote something she read from a book. 

"What do you expect from a history written and dictated by the World Government themselves? A certain village tried to break the secrecy of the World History but they were all bombed- and in one instant- erased", Trafalgar was referring to Ohara. 

"Then, who's the good side?", Seri pressed her lips together. 

Chose to be on the good side.

I'm not bad that you'd call me the devil. I'm not also good enough to be called an angel. 

"Goodness is something that changes over time. Nothing in this world is permanent. That's why you need to keep on thinking. You need to keep on choosing. If you stop, you're neither on the good side nor the bad side", Trafalgar looked at the horizon. 

They were near the foot of the hill. The Straw Hats are surprisingly waiting.

"Law-san. Thank you very much", Seri climbed down his arms. 

"Trafalgar D. Water Law. That's my name", he introduced. Seri flinched and turned to face him. 

Next time, I'll tell you my name. 

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