#43: Red

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Spoilers Alert: RED: FILM


A lot of fans gathered for the first live concert of Uta. "Wah~ Are these real?", Seri was amazed by colorful bubbles. She spotted the Straw Hats' ship and went to greet them. "Luffy-san?", she said under her breath and tried to catch up with the moving ship. She watches as the singer interacts with the lad who claims to be the next Pirate King. 

Purru! Purru! Purru!


You got lost all of a sudden. Where are you now? I knew it was not a good idea to bring you along with all these people gathered. 

Captain, we'll miss the concert. Why do we have to stay so far from the stage?

We're pirates and who knows if the marine will suddenly appear. 

I can see Luffy-san and the others. It seems that he is acquainted with the beautiful singer. Maybe we can also get her autograph. You would like that, right, Bepo?

Uhm, can you get her autograph for me?!

The call ended. Seri chuckled knowing that Bepo is being scolded by Trafalgar. Though he's not a fan of such events, he would still accompany Bepo who had been a very huge fan of the singer. 

The lady stepped back and stomped on someone's foot. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention", she apologized right away and saw Koby and Helmepo. Uta started to argue with Luffy about some matters and the live stage started getting enclosed. "Marines?", Seri recognized the two as Garp's men. She looked around and panicked for a while. "You are the one who escaped from one of the most guarded marine ships", Helmepo recognized her ash-white hair and crimson-red eyes. The lady dragged her feet and started running away. Someone grabbed her hand and led her outside the concert area. 


Seri panted and they finally ended at the ruins of a sanctuary. "Who are you?", she tried to take in air. The unknown man wearing a hood sat on rubble and stared at the lady for a very long time. Seri wasn't paying too much attention because she was worried about the telephatic snail that she dropped while running. Due to that, she won't be able to contact Trafalgar and Bepo. 

"I'll ask you the same", the man with the hood gulped. "I am Se-", she stopped upon realizing that she was so much willing to reveal her name to someone she met for the first time. She wondered about the familiarity surrounding the man. "Thank you for saving me from being captured but I don't think  I can tell you who I am. Please be safe as well", the lady said as she started walking away. 

"Seri. You've grown so beautiful". 

The lady's eyes widened and turned to see such a familiar face. The man removed his hood and it made Seri tears her eyes. 

Outside the Concert Bowl

"You look so ticked off, Captain. Sorry", Bepo apologized. "She's a well-priced treasure in many ways. People from all around the world will kill each other for her", Trafalgar walked carrying his sword. "And by treasure in many ways, is that why you are keeping her by your side until now, Captain?", the white bear made the man stop walking and turned to him. "Don't get weird ideas", he lectured. Bepo looked away and nodded. 

Blackbeard Pirate's Ship

"And you're telling me that she wasn't an ability user?", Blackbeard drank his ale. "Then, is it true that she is a recipient of the eternal youth surgery?", the man furrowed his brow. "She grew and aged throughout the years and I am a witness of that", Kuzan confirmed. "Then, what is it that causes her to be an organ-creating machine for the Marine?", Blackbeard was becoming more and more interested. Kuzan's eye twitched but wanted to gain the trust of the most notorious pirate.

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