#11: Morning, it comes

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Flower Field

Trafalgar didn't have the time to process everything that happened so he wondered around and saw a grave. Did they even made a grave for him? That lady said she lights candle and incense for him. He sat in front of it.

"Rosinante-san didn't have any grave. He's kept inside Sengoku-san's room. A traitor shouldn't have any grave so Sengoku-san claimed his ashes and kept it for himself", someone spoke from behind.

"Are you a psychic?", Trafalgar sighed.

"Ah. Sorry. Were you meditating?", she compared what he's doing to Zoro's daily routine. Seri just found Zoro meditating somewhere in the flower field.

"Thanks. I had always wondered where they kept his body", Trafalgar said feeling relieved. He feels like he's already free from something that kept holding him for a long time. To be able to help save what Rosinante wanted to, he felt he achieved something.

He looked on his shoulder and remembered something. Seri noticed it as well.

"Then, I'll be taking my leave", she excused even before Trafalgar might ask something else. The guy grabbed on her clothes lifting her up like a cat. "You need to tell me something", Trafalgar said with a serious tone.

"Seri! Time for you to cook!", Ussop showed up and saw the thick atmosphere around them. "Gah! Was I interrupting something?", Ussop panicked. 

"Ah, of course not. You heard him, Tra-guy-san. I'll get going then", Seri tried to reach out to Ussop but Trafalgar haven't let go of her shirt.

"I'll get going then, Tra-guy-san", she smiled and Trafalgar lets her go in an instant. She fell to the ground.

"Hey. Law. She's our precious cook now. If she won't be able to cook once Luffy wakes up, we're doomed", Ussop thought of Luffy sweeping across the town to look for cooked food.

Kyros' House

Robin opened the cabinet. "We're nearly out of stocks", she said after Seri prepared for the group's meal.

"I'll be heading down tomorrow", Seri raised her hand. "I'll go with you, then", Robin volunteered. "But then, Robin-san, there will be Marine all around. It's safe for all of you to stay in the hiding. I'll be going with the little guys", Seri was referring to the Tontata's.

They were all set on the table and dug in. "Wah! It tastes good. It's par with Sanji's", Ussop praised. "Do you make bread?", Trafalgar asked.

"Not really. I haven't learned how to make bread or any of its kind", Seri answered.

"Then, join my crew", Trafalgar invited.

"Our captain had her first!", Ussop protested.

"You already have a cook", Trafalgar fought back.

"Wah~ Scary", Ussop can't take Trafalgar's glare.

"By the way, it's been the second day and yet the Marine hasn't launched their attack", Robin noticed. "Issho-san might think that it's no longer logical to go after someone who saved the whole kingdom", Seri stabbed the cherry tomato. "What do you mean? We're not heroes", Zoro clicked his tongue. She passed a newspaper to him. "Sooner or later, he'll get some scolding from the higher-ups", Seri added.

The group saw a photo of the Marine bowing their heads down to Riku.

The next day,

Dressrosa Town Proper

"Your eyes look pretty, Seriland", Leo sat on her shoulders.

"Your hair is also silky", Mansherry commented as she rubbed her cheeks with it. She sat over the other shoulder.

"Admiral Tsuru and Inspector Admiral Sengoku have arrived", one of the marines announced not far from where they are. Seri gulped but continued walking with the basket in her arms. "Marine? I heard that it was the World Government who allowed Doflamingo to stay here and the Marine Agreed", Leo gritted his teeth. "Doflamingo is one of the Seven Warlords who protects the sea. The world government tied hands with them as long as they follow certain rules", Seri explained.

"What do they need to take care of?", Mansherry asked.

"Uhmm~ According to what I heard, the sea was flooded with pirates due to one incident", Seri answered.

"Luffyland and Ussoland are pirates, right? They're nice people. They don't need to be wary of them", Leo stood up. "You're right. Luffy-san and the rest are nice people. It's not like they have reasons to save this Kingdom. I also thought that all pirates are nice people", Seri smiled at him. " But there are some people like Doflamningo as well", Seri returned them to reality.

"Oh, the lady from before. It's good to see you alive", the flower vendor noticed her. "I'm here to get some food for my friends. Where would be the market place?", Seri asked. "The market area is around that corner", someone gave the direction. "Thank yo-", Seri turned to thank the stranger and saw Admiral Tsuru with her female marine soldiers.

Mansherry and Leo hid behind her hair.

"Admiral Tsuru", she stood straight but with a certain fear looming in her eyes. "What are you doing here? I heard Sengoku was supposed to bring you to Marijoes", Tsuru furrowed her brow. "I'm just taking some side trip, Admiral", Seri forced a smile. "Then, if you turn to the next corner, you will see Sengoku", Tsuru pointed at the other direction from the market place. "Admiral, I'm running errand for some people. Would you please allow me to give it to them first?", Seri asked. "Those people? Are you their slave that you need to work for them?", Tsuru had a slight bitter tainted voice. "They're my friends", Seri started to walk on the way going to the marketplace.

"Should we go after her?", one of the marine soldiers asked.

"Don't mind", Tsuru knew that Seri would come back.

"She might run away. The Fleet Admiral was furious when he heard about the disappearance of that lady", the marine soldier remembered.

"She doesn't lie. If she said she'll come back, she'll do it", Tsuru assured.

Kyro's House

"Oh, Seri. You're back", Robin opened the door.

"I'm back", she smiled.

Leo and Mansherry went back to the palace. "I'll be cooking a lot this morning. I get the feeling that Luffy-san will wake up", Seri went inside and straight to the kitchen.

Zoro followed her with his eyes. "Did something happen in the town?", Zoro asked. "Just the same. Sooner or later, Luffy-san needs to wake up", Seri chopped the vegetables. While cooking, she was rather quiet that it created an uncomfortable aura.

"Then, have you decided already? Are you going to become a Straw Hat Pirate?", Ussop sat on the chair in the dining area. "I can't navigate like Nami-san, I don't know about things like Robin, I cannot fight like Zoro-san, I can't sing and make music like Brook-san, I don't have a lot of recipe like Mr. Cook, I can't cure someone like Chopper does, I'm not as brave as you are, and also... I can't be free like Luffy-san", Seri served the banquet of food on the table.

Seri removed her apron and folded it neatly.

"I'll be just a drawback", Seri gave a weak smile.

"I'll be going back to the Marine. Don't worry, I won't tell them about your hiding place", Seri promised.

Seri felt something wrapping around her waist. "Thank you for everything, Luffy-san", she turns around and saw Luffy's stretched hand though he's sleeping. 

Near Dressrosa Dock

"I won't. If we lost credibility just because we admit our fault, that means we didn't have it in the first place!!!", he shouted on the transporter snail and ended the call.

The marine went further feeling like Akainu might shower them with lava at a given moment. "As sincere as always", Seri walked towards him. Tsuru and Sengoku are also seated in the same area. Sengoku's eyes widened.

"If I roll this once more, it will decide on the Straw Hat's fate", Issho placed the dice on the cup.

Chapter end.

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