Chapter 14

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Billie's pov
Today's the day we leave for the airport and veronica's been distancing her self for the past two days for reasons unknown to me, i feel its because of the way i and jason stayed together all night when we went skating that is bugging her but that can't be the only reason can it?
I debate in my head picking up my car keys and going to her place to straighten things out with her because its killing me but she probably wouldn't acknowledge my presence just like yesterday when she was on a video call with Finneas.
Groaning i try and dismiss her from my head till i see her tonight "you okay?" Jason says from the doorway holding a glass of juice and a plate with toast "yh i am" i reply when he enters the room fully handing me the glass and kissing my fore head. Jason's been hanging around since i gave him the chance for us to work things out, i know he wants this to work but i can't really focus on any thing he says without thinking of Ron, besides i feel he's more of family than companion, it just feels weird to me i guess.

"You ready" finneas calls from his room when i pass with my box taking it down the stairs i shout a yes and keep going down, i meet Claudia and Jason at the trunk loading our stuffs in, I am so grateful that she's coming along this time just like always lol.

"Are we going to get Ron and Karmil first" I blurt out. "Na, Ron said we should meet at the airport instead so we don't have to go through traffic twice" Claudia replies "oh" I say disappointed. I was hoping we Could go to the airport together and catch up on what has been going through each other's life for the past few days and why she is being so distant lately.

At the airport Jason is still with us and he helps to remove the luggage from the car for Check up. I see Karmil, Roxie and the person I was looking for, Veronica already through with their own luggage check waiting for us. Karmil sees us and waves and we all wave back, he nodges Ron to remove her headset and points to our direction, she stands up with the rest heading towards us. She cheerfully greets everyone and waves at me making me smile and wave back. "I guess this is goodbye for now" Jason says to me awkwardly "yeah I guess, see you soon" I say hugging him. I'm about to let go of him and then he does the unexpected in front of Ron he drags my hand back and then kisses me. Ron puts her headset back on snorts in disgust and excuses herself to the bathroom.

The flight is the longest one ever and Ron says not even a single word to anyone, everybody is trying to have fun through out the flight but it's like she's in her own different world, she doesn't even look at me for the slightest second and it's killing me, I really have to talk to her.

The flight was not that long but Ron makes it feel like I was on it for a whole day, the drive to our hotel is short. On getting there Ron just takes her bags and starts heading for the elevator without so much as a glance to even her best friend. I quickly run after her catching her before the elevator door closes "Veronica wait" I say panting and holding the elevator door just in time. She ignores me pressing her room floor. "Look, I.. why have you been ignoring me" i say not knowing what else to say. She scoffs and starts tapping her feets on the floor a gesture I know she does when she wants to leave a place. "I'm sorry ok" I sigh. "You're sorry?" She says turning to me. "For which part exactly? The part you lied that he was just a friend? The part where you ignore me completely when he's around? Or the fucking part where he kisses you? Am i a fucking joke to you? i don't talk means i don't have emotions right ? at least you could have been honest with me!" she yells a little trying to hold her tears. "For everything okay" I say tears in my eye threatning to drop. The elevator stops and she gets out immediately desperately searching for her room door "how can I make it up to you, I swear I never meant to hurt you" i say desperately walking half running because my short legs make it seem like she's going way to fast. She stops at her door after opening it and looks back at me, i could see the pain in her eyes, the pain i caused.. "You can start by leaving me the fuck alone cuz I can't do this with you, have fun with your life kay." she says looking me in the eye and then she slams her room door in my face.

"How did it go" Karmil asks me inspecting the food, i raise my head up and he gasps a little "you've been crying, did you guys fight" he says sitting next to me. "I dunno" I say cleaning my tears. I try to explain to Karmil what happened and he listens attentively. "I didn't want to be the one to tell you this but Ronnie has been going through a lot recently, did she tell you she has a sister" he asks me gudging my reaction. Ron has a sister?. "No" i say waiting for him to continue his confession. "She has been sick for a whole year after she tried committing suicide. Ron really loves her sister so it took a toll on her, since then she's been getting into fight to relieve her self from anger, only doing her vlog videos because she said her sister has always been her number one fan. She told me once that she has never been more happy in her life since the day she met you. She fell for you Billie" Karmil says in the softest voice I've ever heard him speak in. The new story dawns on me and I let the realization sink in which brings tears to my eyes again "I let her down" I choke on the words, Karmil tries to relax me. "You're a superstar you will figure it out" he says reassuringly. Then he stands up to go and meet Veronica.

After a while it finally hits me, running to my hotel room I find my notebook and start writing, I know exactly what to do.

A/N: how do I explain to you guys that I have been writing this since 2020 and it's already 2022. I stopped writing this book like about three months ago because I felt it wasn't good enough, but I'm here again to finish what I started hopefully it will end well, even tho it probably isn't bluckbuster material i definetely have to finish it. A few chapters left I hope you all like it. Don't forget to vote and comment I love you all.

GUILTY PLEASURES //BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now