Chapter 5

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Billie's pov

I've been watching Veronicas you tube videos for two days now and I have to say I just can't get enough of this chick, so insanely talented, hilarious and cute aff.
I've watched alot I'm almost at her most recent posts, I'm watching a video she uploaded last week, in this video she's showing off outfit inspos, like cloths for special occasions, cloth for your mood, clothes that go well with your personality or skin or your group of friends, and I got to say her shoes are thick and lit the way I like em, after watching a life time of you tube vidoes I drop on my bed and subscribe to her you tube channel and waste no time to follow her on Instagram, I love to keep my follow count at 656 but I guess I will break the count with just one, she's worth it I guess.
Yunno it's really weird I'm always anticipating her next post, like what she would wear, what she would say and all that, she makes me feel i dunno, maybe giddy Inside, I wish we could meet one day... Yh right like that's possible she lives in Nigeria which makes its half way impossible to meet. I have a meeting with channel tomorrow, fortunately for me they are one of the sponsor for my next tour, which means more free cloths for me. I drop my phone and stare at the ceiling I'm tired but tommorow will be worse, I finally doze of dreaming about Tour with a curly head black chick.

"what the hell" I say jumping from my bed a little when I hear the most annoying sound in the world, my alarm screeching on the bedside table. "who the fuck set my alarm!" I shout banging the table letting the alarm fall "I did" finneas says entering my room with a cup of juice in his hand while he picks the alarm from the floor and put its off "why the hell would you do that?" I say groaning "cuz you did sleep through your meeting if I didn't" he says giving me the cup "drink up" he says ignoring my glare, "the drive there is like an hour so you need to be ready in thirty" he says texting someone on his phone "yes dad" I say rolling my eyes making him change his tone and give me a playful glare "will your dad do this" he says taking my pillow and throwing it at my face "oh you're so on" I say laughing, we play around for a few minutes before Claudia shouts from the living room for the both of us to stop acting like kids and I and Finneas shout "yes mum" together making her hiss.

"the problem is that we still don't have someone who could be a representative apart from you on tour with you, we need someone to advertise our product when you're not and the person has to be young like you because we have found out the percentage of people wearing our cloths, shoes, accessories and other items are from the age group 15- 28" the lady says, I think she introduced herself as Mrs Peters. "and why is that" I say.
The meeting as been going on for an hour and half and I want it to end soon I'm so sleepy right now, finneas and my manager are here with me which makes me comfortable but still tired "because we need a young brand ambassador of your age" the guy with her says, i turn to finneas telling him to take over while I slouch on my arm chair, finneas goes over a list of models they give to him, they keep discussing models until I finally remember Veronica, that's it. "hey I think I know someone who could be perfect to be your ambassador" I say to the two ladies and guy sitting in front of me "who is she or he" Mrs Peters ask "its this vlogger on you tube, she's perfect cuz she's almost verified on Instagram, dresses amazingly and plus she's my age grade, she slender like all the models you have been showing me since and I bet we would be able to work together perfectly" I say suddenly very alert, the three of them nod while finneas just smirks, "those are good attributes there is a catch I'm sure" Mrs Peters says and I nod, my cheeks flushed a little "well she's I dunno probably somewhere far they call Nigeria" I say with teenage honesty "Billie, that's too far, it's like a seven hour plane ride from there to here" the lady who has not said anything since finally speaks "I know but she's really great, you guys should watch her vidoes and also look at her pictures, here's one" i say bringing out my phone and sliding it on the table towards them, Mrs Peters rolls her eyes but takes it anyway and they watch a new video she has on her 'look book' I show them only the look book episodes because the rest are too teenage for them they Probably won't understand what's going on and then probably pass her off as indisiciplend "well she's good like you said, we have no choice but to use her, but if she doesn't agree you will use anyone we put" the guy says "yes" I say clapping happily.
The meeting finishes soon after that and I skip away happily, Finneas in the background telling me I like her "Yh right bruh I'm saying this again I love dick" I say turning a little to catch him and my manager laughing.
Even if I keep saying I like guys I have a feeling somethings going to change soon and it's going to revolve around Veronica.
I think I'm finally getting a story mapped in my head. Who do you guys see Veronica as. Thoughts? My stupid brain keeps seeing her as me. Lol.
I love you all
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GUILTY PLEASURES //BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now