Chapter 8

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*half way edited*
Billie's pov

It's been three days since I had face time with Veronica and I'm still thinking of everything we talked about, she's finally getting on a plane tomorrow but she won't arrive until a day and half, that sucks, we haven't spoken much today because she's been out all day with her mom, karmil's mom, and karmil buying God knows what, she could just buy whatever she wants whenever she reaches LA but she said that's not how Nigerian parents like to do their stuffs.

Studio session today with finneas was lit, luckily for me I record most of my hit songs in my brother's room, I just don't really like the idea of big rooms filled with weird people blah blah blah, whichever way I can't wait for tour to begin.

In the mean time I've been spending time with Claudia and finneas at our apartment, I wonder if Ron will love to stay here, Claudia and finneas will definitely love her company.
"day dreaming again" I here Claudia whisper in my ear from behind the couch before finally turning around to seat with me on the couch. "no" I say trying to avoid her knowing look "you like the vlogger don't you" she says smirking "no I don't like the vlogger, quite it with the weird look on your face, and how do you even know she's the one I was thinking about" I ask "because I do" she says making me roll my eyes "there is a weird way you do your face when you're definitely thinking about her, it's the same way finneas looks at me when he thinks I'm not looking" she says after taking a hand full of popcorn on the table "no I don't" I say trying to ignore what she said even though I know it's true. "if you say so, any way when are we getting the dog?" Claudia says raising her hands up to call a Truce "I dunno" I say flatly which makes her giggle because she knows she's right about what she said.. "you know she will still find out right?" she Says when she puts on the TV to watch anything reasonable "find out about what?" I ask, is it about my feelings for her? That Will be good I guess, but weird because I don't even understand what's happening. "About you being the one to recommend her to channel" she responds, oh, that's what she meant "so? I'm not hiding it" I say, I could easily tell her but na, I'm cool which ever way she finds out.

Claudia and I keep talking till we decide to watch 'it, chapter 2', we are half way through the movie when my phone vibrates by my side I pick it up not looking at the screen still focused on the movie, I finally look down to see a message from Jason.
Look who remembered me today.

Hey I'm sorry for what happened last week so let me make it up to you, are you free tonight?

I'm not free, I'm watching a movie, Gn.

I reply dropping my phone, it vibrates again making me groan before picking it up.

I'm serious i need to see you tonight, meet me at my place we could have friends over if you want, I've ordered vegan burritos for you and taco bells, anything else you need will be there. Just be there I mean it.

"ever so bossy" I say drooping my phone "who was it" Claudia says seeing the look on my face "Jason, he wants to hang" I say closing my eyes "oh, you guys still messing around" she asks concerned "Yh I guess" I reply standing up to go change to oversized hoodies and pants.

Jeez open the god damn door, he told me to come over and now he's wasting time to open the door. I ring the door bell again till it finally opens to review Elijah our friend "oh great you're here" he says dragging me, "where is the freak who asked me to come over?" I ask Elijah not feeling this little party at all "he went upstairs to get something he will be back" he replies after dropping me on the couch he knows I love sitting on. Moments later Jason emerges from the stairs with this blonde chick, I thought he wanted to work things out. He spots me and comes over to me sitting next to me "hey I'm glad you made it" he Says smiling "well you offered burritos" I say plainly "who's the chick" I ask dreading the answer already "oh that's Valerie, she's a new friend don't sweat it" he says nonchalanty. You are probably wondering what's going on between us so let me break it down. Jason and I first met when I was out partying with Elijah and our other friends, Elijah had invited him since they where friends, a few days later when we had another party Jason and I started talking and it turned out we had alot in common and he was really easy to talk to, we started hanging out for a while then we started messing around, he told me he liked me and I told him I liked him, everyone knew things where going on between us but we didn't really make it official, he's like twenty-one and I'm eighteen so.. He's really sweet, understands me and is always there for me but he also has bad attributes, he literally goes head over hills over any thing in a skirt, he goes out with other girls and stays over at their place, when I try to confront him about it he waves it off as usual, just last week we had a party at his place with our friends, we were cuddled up as usual till he checked something on his phone and suddnely said he wanted to go, I asked him where he was going and he tried making up a lie, he was going to meet Valerie the same girl that is here with him today, I knew it cuz I had seen the messages they had exchanged when I was cuddled up resting on his chest. Thinking of everything they probably did makes me sick.

"puppy, I'm so sorry for leaving you like that last week" he says trying to draw my attention to him "where did you go to" I ask, trying to hold my ground, the problem is when we are together and I try to confront him about a suituation between us my head always goes blank, especially when he calls me puppy. "where did you have to go so urgently Jason?" I ask again "I'm, about that.. You see.. I.. Had to do.. Something.. You know for work and all, I stayed at the office all night" he says, the lie doesn't even make sense not even to him, I try to persuade him again but he brushes it off again this time handing me the burritos and taco bells he promised, this guy is unbelievable.
"I want to make it up to you okay?, you're going on tour soon and I'm not coming because I have work to do, so I will make sure I spend your last days with you till you finally go on tour" he says, I sigh and finally give in not able to hold my ground anymore, he kisses me and pulls me close to him making me rest on his chest, I sigh and start eating my burrito putting the taco bells in my hoodie pocket for later.

I, Jason and the rest play a few games, I stop playing after a while because I filled my tummy with burritos, I sit back on my chair cuddling Jason again till Elijah mentions Veronica. "Yo dude have you seen this girl on you tube, she's a vibe come check it out" Elijah says coming to sit on the floor between I and Jason till he finally brings out Veronica's vlog. We watch a few videos and I see the way Jason's eyes widen, I can't blame him for that one, cause my eyes do the same whenever I watch her videos, we keep on watching for a long time till Elijah starts dozing off on my leg making me kick him, he stands up immediately groaning from the pain of me kicking his side,"asshole" he moans. He takes his laptop and goes upstairs to his self proclaimmed room at jasons place .
"hey pup you want to stay over" Jason asks watching me, I want to say yes but what comes out is "no, I better get home, I have a big day tomorrow" I say lying, I just don't want to be with him, not this night after I saw him bring Valerie downstairs with him today, God knows what they had been up too and I can't just bring myself to stay on the same bed they did, and besides I have the urge to watch Veronica's videos again since Elijah brought her up.
Don't catch feelings bruh.. I hear finneas voice say in my head.
LOL as if.

i had a really bad night, literally wrote this chapter in between barfs, can't believe I threw up all night, I haven't done that since like sixth grade.. Lol anyway I'm cool hope you liked the chapter though... Pls vote and comment thanks guys.

GUILTY PLEASURES //BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now