Chapter 21

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Veronica's pov
It's been a month since Billie's concert got cancelled, a month since we sorted things out and started dating and this is the hundredth time she has come over to my house. I'm so happy that everything is going real smooth between us and trust me i never thought in a million years that I would actually be able to date the world's renowned superstar Billie Eilish. She really makes me happy, understands me an goes out of her way to make sure I am okay. Just yesterday I asked if she would love to be on my vlog and answer a few questions for her fans and she happily accepted. Now today she is here again not for an interview today, but to frustrate the hell out of me, Billie and my sister get along really well to the point that I start getting jealous once in a while, I mean can you blame me? just two days ago I feel asleep pretty early because I was pretty tired from editing and can you believe that Billie and jade had the nerve to go out without me? Apparently they tried waking me up and like the sleeping beauty I am I didn't budge and they just decided to go out without me, they ended up driving around for like an hour basically just listening to billies songs in my freaking car without my freaking permission and they wasted my freaking fuel and when they got hungry they drove to dominos and ordered two large pizzas with some ice cream, can you imagine?!, it's all good tho and In all honesty I love the fact jade really likes Billie and the fact that bil likes her as well, it just makes me more comfortable around her.

Billie snuggles into me and murmurs something I don't hear "what's that baby?" I ask her playing with her hair which makes her snuggle into me more, even without being able to see her face I know there is a pretty smile on her face with her eyes scrounged together in satisfaction "I said can we step out for a bit?" she repeats herself while I continue to play with her hair. "Why? You hungry? Bored? Or feeling congested?" I ask her a bit worried, when she's snuggled up on me it's always very hard to pry her loose, hell, baiting her with vegan burritos doesn't work at times, so for her to suggest stepping out when she's snuggled up definitely has me worried. She looks up from my chest and smiles at me before stretching to give me a kiss on the lips, she then tries to sit up before she stretches and lets out a cute little yawn while rubbing her eye with the back of her hand "it's nothing I just really want to show you something" she says not looking me in the eye and in that instant I know she's up to something "bil" I say raising my eyebrow suspiciously "mmhm" she says blushing a little while trying to hide her face "what did you do?" I say still raising my eyebrows "nothinggggg it's a surprise, c'mon get up already" she says kneeling on the bed trying to tug me off my bed which is a useless move because I have more weight than her and we both know she can't move me unless I allow her "babe come onnnn" she whines and I roll my eyes finally allowing her to drag me off the bed, I pick my discarded sweatshirt from the chair in the corner and tie my hair in a bun before excusing myself to wash my face, when I get back Billie is dressed the same way I am, she's wearing track pants and my liliac big hoodie that has a butterfly in the front "so, where we going?" I ask really curious but she puts her finger on my lips "stop asking questions and let's just go" she says before tiptoeing to kiss me and I kiss her back before she tugs on the sleeve of my sweatshirt leading the way out of my room.

"Mind if you close your eyes for a few minutes for me?" Billie asks making me turn to her as she tries to concentrate on the road "yes I mind" I say making her roll her eyes "come on only just for a few minutes it'll be fun I promise" she says letting go of the steering and using the hand to rub my thigh "can you just tell me where we are going, you've been driving for like an hour" I try my luck for the hundredth time but Billie is being surprisingly tight lipped about this whole surprise thing "please we are almost there" she says smiling brightly and I finally decide to just close my eyes. After a few minutes of just driving and soft music in the background I hear the engine of the car go off and I'm tempted to open my eyes but I don't, the door opens and Billie comes down quickly coming over to my side to help me come out, after the car has been locked she leads me slowly, I hear a few keys jiggle and a door opening "come onnn" I whine getting impatient and she chuckles beside me "just take a few more steps" she says leading me to a staircase, I can hear the excitement in her voice and it makes me shiver in anticipation "okay"' she breathes positioning me where she wants me "you can open your eyes now" she says and I do just that and When I do it's nothing I ever imagined, "what's going on, who's place is this" I ask taking in the room "just someplace" she says waving it off with her hand "what do you think?" She asks turning her back to me like she's surveying the place as well. I'm in a living room with windows for walls, the sunset shining in through the window is breathtaking, it's a simple room with white sofas and a white tv desk with a tv on the wall and inbuilt shelf's on either side of the tv the room is divided into two and the other half has a little curtain that leads to God knows where, the rest of the house is yet to be explored but just standing here I tell her "it's beautiful" and she turns back to me smiling happily "good cause it's ours" she says and I deadpan "what?" I say not believing what I just heard "I said this place is ours" she repeats still standing a few feet's away from me trying to register my expression and I don't honestly know how to feel "what? You don't like it?" She says frowning a little "no no no I love it it's perfect but where did you get the money from? How long have you been planning this? Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped set up? Wait you mean like move in together?" I start rambling and her smile returns, "shh it's okay" she says and I just stare at her void of what to say and she stares back with adoration in her eyes. She finally moves from where she's standing and she comes up to me bringing out something from her pocket "what's that" I taunt and she blushes "a promise ring" she says flushing And I chuckle "come on you can't be serious" I say making her pout "what do we need a promise ring for?" I ask her bringing her chin up so she can look at me her cheeks flushed red "I don't know maybe a promise to always stick with each other through everything, be best friends, sisters, lovers and above all soulmates... a promise to always love each other" she says looking into my eyes making me tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear "bunny you and I know even without a promise ring I'll love you no matter what" I say kissing her. "I love you Veronica, always" she says in the middle of the kiss and I kiss her again to silence her "and I love you Billie. Always" I say and she smiles up at me, I kiss her forehead and she puts the ring on my finger and I put the second one on her "so.. Veronica Arcadia Rouger, are you ready to start another phase of your life with the superstar?" She says smiling brightly
"Oh you bet" I say hugging her closely as we both watch the sunset both of us thinking of what could have happened if we didn't succumb to our guilty pleasure.

Yoloooo I did itttt I finished another book, yipeee🥳🥳 how did you guys enjoy the book, do you have any questions about some of the characters? If you have any complains or questions please comment and I'll definitely reply to them. Thank you so much to those who started this book and finished it, thank you so much to those who tried to vote and comment, thank you so much to mee for completing this book after practically a year plus lol, thank you to Wattpad and everyone else for giving me this platform to bring my stupid ideas to life and thank you to my creator for making me stay alive to finish this. Now that this book is over I can finally focus on the other books in my drafts and finish them one after the other as well, I'll post a summary of the books I'm currently working on and if you guys would love to read it it would be up soon hopefully, anyways thank you for sticking around to the end, have a great life, I love you byeeee (although I feel no one actually reads my authors note lol)

GUILTY PLEASURES //BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now