Chapter 20

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Veronica's POV
"Mom!" I shout entering the house after I open it with my keys, "In the kitchen" she shouts back and I roll my eyes wondering why I even shouted, of course she did be in the kitchen, I could hear soft music playing which was weird because mom rarely played music 'maybe she has a visitor' I say to myself trying to carrying the shopping bags I brought with me from the floor, my hand is filled with things I brought from the supermarket, I figured I could just buy somethings for the house so I at least have something to start a conversation with. Entering into the kitchen trying to use my elbow to open the door, I'm a bit distracted with the load with me "hey mum I got you some-shut up" I say dropping the bags I'm carrying on the floor immediately my eyes widening in surprise "jade?" I say my eyes welling up on their own accord immediately "hey joker" the person says and I immediately scream, my sister is sitting on the fridge in the kitchen looking around casually like she has been around for a while "jade!" I scream and run towards her throwing myself at her and crying "woah easy tiger" she says chucking and hugging me back "when did you get back? I missed you so much, mom why didn't you tell me she was back?" I ask all this questions in between hugging jade and letting her go to look at mom who just rolls her eye "I've been calling for a week lady" she says "well you could have simply texted your freaking sister is back!" I exclaim "hey language" she says raising her hand in mock surrender and focusing back on what she was cooking, I hug and cry into jades shirt for God knows how long and she just pats me reassuring me that she's here and she's not going anywhere.

"Yeah she knows damn well she could have texted you've been around for three days, she was just being mean" I say cuddling into my sister who just chuckles, we've been in my room for an hour catching up on what's been going on in each other's lives, mom allowed us to skip cooking dinner with her saying we should catch up, I'm cuddled into my sister and she's massaging my scalp how she used to since I was little and I sigh I'm satisfaction, I missed this so much, I missed her and I was a hundred percent glad she was finally back. "I told her not to" she says and I face her "why?" I whine "wanted it be a surprise" she says "well a phone call would have been surprise enough" I say lying down back on her laps. "Soooo, mum tells me you're dating a chick, finally came out huh?" She says excitement in her voice making me roll my eyes "yeah which she hundred percent doesn't consent to" I say "she'll come around" jade says reassuring me "so tell me what's she like, mom said it's Billie, damn you live in a fairytale or something?" She taunts making me chuckle and dive into a full blown conversation about the cutest blond haired girl I know.

"Jade, Ron, girls come down" my mum shouts from downstairs and we both stand up immediately knowing fully well she would say we are disrespectful and uncultured if we don't respond on time, I have no idea how much time has passed but getting down the stairs I see it's already six thirty on the vintage clock in the living room, I sigh, we've been taking that long? "Do you guys want some popcorn?" She asks coming out of the kitchen holding a bowl of popcorn which jade and I quickly rush for "thank you" we say In unison heading over to the living room while mum just laughs going to get another bowl for herself.
"How's Billie" mom asks out of the blue and I look over to jade not knowing what to say exactly "she's okay" I shrug it off "what the point of asking of her if you hate her" I mumble to myself but both she and jade hear me and they turn towards me "what?" I ask innocently "I don't hate her" mom says sadness in her eyes and I almost feel pity for my statement but I stand my ground "okay" I deadpan while jade just watches us "I'm just not really in understanding of girl and girl relationship coupled with the fact that it's not accepted in our religion, you should understand what I'm saying" Mom says in defeat looking over to jade to help her "tiger" she says using her elbow to hit me making me look at her and I sigh "I know what you mean mom, actually I felt that way at first I felt really guilty for liking the same gender as me, I didn't even want to say anything about it because I knew I would definitely get bashed and I didn't know how you of all people would react to it, but mum I'm really really reallyyy happy with her, she brings out the best in me, she pushes me to be better, she understands me more than anyone, I could even say she understands me more than karmil or jade, I love her mom, it's not just a phase, I've never felt this much happiness before this much pleasure" I confess pouring my heart out on the table, I feel a little bit pissed I confessed all this things to mum instead of the girl in question but I'm sure she knows this and even if she doesn't I'll use the rest of my days on earth telling her how much I love her "so like guilty pleasure huh? You are happy with the thing but you feel guilty for being happy?" Jade says smiling at me her hand on her chest giving me a sappy look that says 'wiped' making me just roll my eyes at her ignoring her. Mom doesn't say anything for a minute and I start getting anxious but then she finally speaks "if that's what you want go for it" she says smiling at me making jade and I sit up wide eyed "wait what?" Jade says for me "I said I agree, an ask her to come over for dinner" mom says and I scream jumping out of the couch straight into my moms arms while she tries to rip me off her skin laughing, I finally let her go my eyes welling up again "but what would people say?" I taunt her "screw them" mom says "hey language" jade and I say together and the three of us laugh and I finally feel like I can breathe again.

"Dinner was amazing thank you so much Mrs. Rougher" I say to Ron's mom smiling sweetly at her and she smiles back sweetly. Honestly I didn't believe it when Ron said her mom had accepted the both of us being together, or worse that I should come over for dinner, I freaking panicked for the first time since her mom caught us together, I was so confused I didn't even know if I should dress up for dinner or come out like I just rolled out of bed, I finally decided not to swear it and just go in my usual outfit and try to apologize to Ron's mom for last time. I was even more shocked to see a tall brown skinned beauty with Afro hair in the kitchen who was introduced to me as jade, Veronica's older sister, she was pretty and she still looked dropped dead gorgeous in casual white crop top and dark blue jeans, her Afro packed to the back in the cutest way, she had rons personality so it was really easy to fall for her we talked for a while before Ron finally dragged me away from her to her bedroom to talk and cuddle
"It's crazy man" I say when Ron recaps how her mom finally accepted us to me "for real" she says yawning a little making me chuckle, "hey since your mom finally accepted, I just had a great idea" I say bringing out my phone immediately making her sit up trying to look at my phone screen "what's that" she says rubbing her eyes tiredly, I don't reply her instead I go to my Instagram and turn on my live notifications and within seconds thousands of people are already watching. It currently says '300,000' and that's a lot in just less than a minute "yo what are you doing" Ron says quickly removing her face from the live chat when she sees what I'm doing but I just laugh and face the camera towards her again, my fans are commenting already, telling me how pretty I look, curious to know who's with me, how much they love me and all that, I read and reply to a few comments for a few minutes before finally saying what I came on live to say "hey baby's, just wanted to tell y'all that Mama's finally in love, yes it's a girl and that girl is that beauty who's with me right now, I'll appreciate if y'all show some love, cut down on the thrash talking and just be happy for me because I am happy" I announce and the comments pour in more as more people join the live stream 'do you want another girlfriend your highness' one comment says and I laugh before replying "no no no I'm fine with just this one thank you" I say, I reply to a few more comments before saying "well that's all for today I'm tryna get fucked tonight so y'all goodnight" I say, a comment from Finneas comes in saying 'we didn't need that information' and I roll my eyes before saying "screw you Finneas" before ending the live chat. Dropping my phone I see Veronica slump on the bed in relief making me chuckle, for someone who acts all tough at times she sure can be delicate and cute when she wants, I kiss her and she faces me giving me a nervous smile "you did it" she says breathing a little heavily making me kiss her again "we did it, now you gonna fuck me or what?" I taunt making Her throw a pillow at me.

One more chapter

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