Hate Part 2

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Their manager and the staff had seen all the effort all the boys were exerting for the preparation of a comeback. Their voices were being pushed to their limits. Their bodies hit the floor one too many times. But all were pushing themselves to their limit for their fans and their love for music. So it was decided that the boys would have three days off. No work, no filming or anything.

Most had lost weight or gaining or building up muscle for the comeback. They all had to ensure that their bodies were prepared for all the choreographies. This was the only reason Leon was able to easily evade his members noticing something.

Everyone was exhausted

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Everyone was exhausted. He was just more so than everyone. Everyone had lost weight. He had too, but his clothes hid it being too obvious. But with his current weight, he was in the ideal standards for male Kpop idols. Very light to the extent of noticing it when you carry him. Having almost purely muscle only for the weight. It also made him appear taller than he usually was, but he made sure to bend his knees or slouch.

He was too good at playing the okay game. It was an idol's skill after all.

The boys were all going to the dorm and Leon had decided to stay behind once again. With a promise that he'd just stay an hour. The boys agreed with some hesitance, but Leon was known to not break promises so they let it all go. They promised to get food for Leon when they ordered even though he had said no to them. He didn't feel like eating anything. When did he ever? He decided to check his weight when they left and it was the same as it had been for the week. And it was fine like that. As long as he did not wear anything too tight, the boys won't notice. As long as he kept on half tucking his dress shirts, and he would wear his old skinny jeans that were now loose. They wouldn't notice it too much.

He read through all the comments, especially on Instagram since he had just posted. There were some hate comments. Others were praising him for losing weight. Most encouraging to further improve and all. In his mind, it meant he was doing the right thing. He just had to continue and intensify it at some point when he could avoid fainting already.

He would have read more but he had to be home by an hour, so he packed up and decided to walk back.

When Leon arrived back, everyone had just finished eating and were all just talking. "Hyung! We left some food for you," he wanted to decline but Felix has those puppy eyes of his that he had to eat. He sat with his members and ate at his own pace. Which meant one drumstick for like thirty minutes or so. He hadn't noticed Seungmin observing him, specifically how he ate the chicken.

Hyung eats it so slow and nimbly. Those were the thoughts in Seungmin's mind as he was taking note. He had an early suspicion a few weeks back and he had only told one person of his observation. Felix. The Australian boy had caught him looking through his hyung's clothes and he had to explain why. Felix also was the one to confirm to him that Leon had not bought any new clothes for a while. So that meant all the baggy clothes were his fitted ones before.

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