3:3:3:1 Unit Mission

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A dream to debut as 10 was getting farther and farther away. But they tried to push through as much as they could because hard work always promises blessings. But what a foolish foolish thing to believe in a Kpop idol setting because the truth is, no. Hard work doesn't promise blessings...there are things that you need luck by your side to be.

Nobody was safe, no matter how much your team tried to help you...they were not in control of the game.

So to hear that they had a mission...they knew this might be the time they would not be 10.

(Disclaimer: I just want to reiterate that the version I am writing this in is fictional. I am sorry if this is not the way you imagined it to go if there were 10 members. I am sticking with my fictional character Leon and basing it on his story and how others in this world perceived him as a musician.)

Chan had told them that they had received a new mission and came with this is a possible elimination. It was a 3:3:3:1 Unit Mission. The question is who were the unit mates and who would do the mission solo. They were worried about who would go solo, maybe a trainee at risk of elimination. But...that wasn't really the case. The leader first let his members hear the five tracks and everyone has shown a personal interest in specific tracks but before they broke into groups a member of the staff came in. "Boys," all the boys sat at attention and faced the man wondering what he was here for. "For this mission, JYP would like Leon to do the solo unit..." then he left.

The boys faced Leon who was perplexed on why him. But he had no choice but to comply. After a few minutes of chatter on wondering why Leon was the one to go solo, they decided on the units. One triad chose track 3. A group with no vocalist, ambitious indeed but Chan did remind them that JYP was impressed by Changbin at his singing so he could do it for them. Then for track 5, a team of vocal or at least recognized vocalists. Lastly, the leader and two younger members for track number 2. Leon thought about it for a while and told the members he'd choose track 1 but altered it a bit. They all agreed and laughed as Chan pointed out that the team who chose track 3 was just so funny.

The boys saw and mentored each other practicing but Leon practiced on his own since JYP wanted it like that. There were a few arguments here and there but they knew that they just wanted everyone to do great in order for no one to be eliminated. In the next episode...there we find the final results.

The first three units performed and although there were mistakes, for Leon it was a step forward to improvement. But JYP thinks otherwise, he stated some harsh comments and some praises, but Leon knows that JYP is commenting based on his experience. There are reasons for him saying these, but Leon did not want anyone from their team to be eliminated. All deserved to debut and they were 10, not less than that.

But before he could have a breakdown thinking of all these in his mind, he had to perform first. He decided to wear gloves that he painted on, in order to have this cyborg effect and he wore a customized jacket with black pants that had a white lining. He stood up on the stage and gave in a signal before beginning his performance.

"Pause, playback, rewind...play." He sang in a deeper voice than people expected and even his members were shocked as they had not seen the boy practice.

"Everyone's wanting to go boss level...yet level one is still not complete.

A virtual reality they wish to live in, but tomorrow's already so out of reach.

Why play a game, when life is harder than the level you're striving to be.

But we're all scared to live life...so we go a virtual reality."

They watched as his movements changed from fluid to hard-hitting, going along with the song. His rap sounded so hype yet the words hit as hard. When they reached the vocal part they were in a high, it was so powerful and his stage presence was owning the whole place as if he was a group. From time to time Chan could see JYP bopping to the beat and taking notes.

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