[MM] Don't Punish Yourself (Bang Chan x Leon)

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People often forget the line that deciphers the smile. That once someone loses the hold on its weight to be upturned, it either falls into a line duplicate but opposite or something duller. A line straight that communicates so many emotions yet at the same time says none. One of the possible emotions that hide in the crevices crafted by the lips is anger and fatigue.

Those two emotions bring a quiet but burning feeling to the room. The mute moment prepares the words that are dipped in truth but cruelty at the same time. The words that are held true for a moment but untrue after realization. When the fire is felt by the heart and the clogged up wires that allow the brain to be in control, then that's the time someone may get hurt. But idols bit their lips and scarred them to hold their thoughts. It's more than maintaining their reputation. It's being genuinely careful not to harm the people they stand with and the people they wish to address.

Although sometimes, the words have to drip and have to steep.

As a leader, he was well composed. He was always careful and was always considerate of those around him. He kept in mind that all the exhaustion he felt was also felt by others. But he didn't understand people who were always so indifferent.

It was the fifth take

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It was the fifth take. A take that had to be repeated not because of the boys but instead the other people who were responsible for the filming. It was dark, the boys had been requested to refilm this scene because someone lost the footage. The people who should be held accountable for this are clearly irresponsible and quite frankly Chan was done with it.

They already crossed the line when they asked for it to be refilmed. But they were being very unreasonable and cruel already when it was during the sixth tape and they requested to stop. They asked to stop since some of the crew were hungry and tired or they claimed. What was even worse was they refused to give the boys something warm to hold on in the winter weather.

"Listen! I know we're the idols and you do the legwork behind but this is enough. You are just irresponsible for losing the footage and now you are just cruel. You know this could be countered by the company. Don't doubt that I will hold it against you if you don't let my members and I be sent home and not refilm anything anymore."

The members knew better than to add. This was something that could get messy very quickly. It would have been better if they just let the boys go but the crew dared to even answer back. Calling the boys names and lazy, spoiled, and undeserving are some.

"You know what! I'm done, we are going home and I recorded everything. Expect a call from JYP himself tomorrow morning at the latest if he doesn't contact you by tonight. Also, unlike you all we are responsible, hardworking, and hold ourselves accountable that's why we're blessed. You are nothing and no other idol groups would have to deal with you."

His steps were loud and tense. His feet padded against the road with such a need to get away from those disrespectful people. The other boys softly followed him but didn't want to make it a big deal. So they allowed him to cool down, while Lee Know took charge first. He knew the eyes of his members which all held worry for the boy they called their leader proudly. Not an ounce of disappointment nor fear but just worry so on all their behalf, Leon promised to check on Chan.

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