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The emergence to the busy industry is different for everybody. There are others who found themselves scouted for the simplest of reasons like looks or charisma. A few attempt at the public domains, posting covers and videos to market themselves. Some barter it for a better chance for their family to prosper, taking title of breadwinner.

Leon had his own story. Someone who was trying his hand at all the strings presented to him. And for a while he felt lost on what to pursue. The young Leon was energetic, had the time to spare to have many faces. But he knew that fatigue would hit sooner if he didn't step on a pedestal and decided it needed to be first. And for some reason, the interest he presented to an audience last was the career path made for him.

Despite the trials he went through, the deprivation and starvation to achieve the quality he wanted, he couldn't walk away from it. Music may not be his first love, but it was the one written for him across the stars. One that he'd take infinite flights to just to broadcast it.

Hence, the flights alone with bodyguards by him might not be the best evenings, but he pushed through. And in these past months, he had to build much courage to fly back and forth. All his boyfriends offered to alternate and join him in his day or two visits across the world. But every time the selfish part of him wanted to say yes, his love sharpened his vision. The short breaths in practice that required long nights of relaxation. Arms showcasing sculptures but also highlighting veins desperate at the strain. Even faces, smiles always weaved in at the prospect of life, but the creases due to the hours that missed rest. So he always put on a brave face and told them that this was a journey he had to do alone.

After all, these trips and excessive reaching out to artists from across the globe are for his own work. A signature debut for himself as someone beyond the scenes, a person who can speak from behind the camera and on the stage. The solo album he's launching at the 1st of January 2023.

The idea to launch something of his own was drafted in 2020. A pandemic swept over the world and left many paralyzed to the uncertainty. And as someone who enjoyed holding hands with strangers who shared love because of the language of music and art, Leon felt lost. The anchor the boys gave his heart had him stay on ground. But his mind that needed a busy environment now lost because of distancing and erased crowds, knocked on productivity. So that year, he reached out to his friends Ian and Yara and proposed the idea of creating an EP for himself.

It would not be a big deal for many. Most fans would rejoice at the possibility of more content. But in the business scheme of things, losing one fan because of their interpretation that the artist's solo might be the stepping stone to leave the group is too costly. So it takes planning and careful consideration of risks, one that took 2 years while the music production was happening simultaneously.

Leon asked permission first from his boyfriend on his plan after completing the set list. And he remembers their disbelief, not at his secret project but at his permission. "Leon, you don't have to go out of your way to ask for our permission because we'll always support you." There is nothing but truth to that statement. But the boy respects them so much to always ask. At the end of the day, even if Stray Kids fade into age, he'll always wish that he keeps them close. Without the lights and the top charts, he'll always prize these men.

And besides, the permission has an undertone. Besides the actual asking if releasing his solo music for profit, there is a deeper question in the lines. One that the members might have not caught until they heard the music together with the rest of the world. Are they ready to hear what he has to say, given that as a boy in the light of an older brother or reliable person, he has kept so much stories even to them?


At an hour past 2023, he launched the album under the Labyrinth Hub. Similar to fireworks, the news of his release traveled past. Many bright colors parallel to the reactions people had. And Leon just sat back and moved on to a new project, wanting to see reactions after his members filmed their own.

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