Under This Spotlight

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Most of the time, the spotlight was scorching. Competitive against the sun, and sometimes it won battles over it. Because the sun was for everyone, but this spotlight was only for a few. It always came with a full audience. Eyes that might not choose to direct its attention over them but still given the view. Sometimes chosen willingly, and searching for wherever platform they may be seen. It also came with the platform, elevated than most seats. It is a stage, within rooms, they don't wish it to be extended to sometimes. But that was the price of yearning, and might as well bear with it. For underneath its heat, they could be stars seen not only when they experience darkness.

But this little spotlight was enough for a night. It didn't need to shine over his frame. Nor did it need to ask for a notice from prying eyes. It only needed to slant a bit of luster to what he held in his hands. For once, to let other things shine. And tonight, it was the typical documents that needed his time.

Yes, he was an idol and the creative person behind the scenes. But that wasn't all he signed up for in his other company. He too had to monitor and check if others deserved training for the same spotlight. Because not only did a select few deserve the public eye's view. It was a question rather than did these young starlights know what they were getting into.

And it stressed him. To make his free time for this but why did he feel pressure. Was it not selfish to do so? Isn't he supposed to give back because the light was not only for him to use? But something to reflect back. Maybe these thoughts of inner conflicts always made him strive to smile as he did his work. Even if they were strained, yet who could tell under a spotlight not for him to be at.

But everything was bearable. His incapacity to tell when he does need a break was paid attention to by the universe. And it always gave him what, or who he needed.

"Hyung? Are you still awake?"

Of course, those eyes could tell, even though it only showed half the screen. The other half still with sleep, and waiting for the ending credits of where it was still ongoing. He did ask but he waited for no more answers. He proceeded with the next. His voice although deep, and a possible misconception to not sound sweet, would always allure Leon. Enough to take the rest with him. So ending credits, just wait for a minute. He wished not to only end the episode of his, but another's. An episode that had to be ended for his lover in order for him to not combust under the heat of work and stress.

"Can you cuddle with me to sleep?"

Spotlight, any of them really, let's have the lights off tonight. He needed none of that. Maybe a bit of darkness to hide the intimate moments. Not because he wanted to keep it secret. But it was something only a few were privileged, and none of them needed no flashlight. Love was enough to see past it.

His voice was not the first to call the affirmation. But his hands found the younger boy's and intertwined with it. The arm that first touched the other's waist and pulled him close. It was a bit too dark to be sure, but even the author could feel it in the omnipresence of the sky. Channeling through both boys who drummed in happiness and endearment. Their lips brushed for a quick few seconds. And one whispered the yes. How sweet it was, and no matter how simple it was told, it was better than any adjectives to give. "Of course. I'll hold you close even though I'll see you in my dreams, Felix."

And they rested. Dreams? Wouldn't it be too prying to see it also? But maybe one day, they too would be told. What happened underneath the rested eyes. 

A/N: I apologize it's delayed because of finals. But I hope even though this was shorter than most of my chapters, it brought a bit of comfort that the story will go on. And that the author is just merely amidst a busy schedule. If you have any other requests (though I'm working on a few) don't be afraid to just comment/message. 

Stay safe, okay? - Aid

Stay safe, okay? - Aid

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