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GUESS WHAT!?! I"M NOT DEAD!!!!!*GAsp* I am so sorry for not updating my schedule has been hectic. so here is a little chapter:)

Percy Pov

I groaned and got up. I looked around and the past days events all came back to me. I smiled to myself. After the feast the night before, I went to the dormitories and met most of the slytherin kids. Everyone was really nice. I hit off with one kid; Draco Malfoy. I learned from him that to keep up the slytherin reputation you have to show everyone that their the boss. But they were really nice to their fellow slytherins. We were all family. It had only been a night but we had stayed up until 3 in the morning getting to know each other, playing truth and dare, and pranking each other. We were in the middle of a pillow fight when A teacher came in and started at yelling at us to go to sleep so that shut it down. 

"Morning" Someone groaned groggily snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Draco sitting up. I nodded to him and got up. I quickly got dressed not bothering to brush my hair. I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom. I flicked all the water off my hands on draco and ran out of the dormitory. 

"JACKSON I WILL GET YOU FOR THAT!!!!" I snickered and continued running. I soon slowed down realizing that I was lost. I continued wandering. I was going to be late. I turned around once more and found myself face to face with Draco Malfoy angry face. I let out an unmanlish shriek and turned around and high heeled out of there. I could hear him cursing behind me and running after me I kept stumbling(curse you robes) and as I ran I prayed i would fine the great hall. Thank the Gods my prayers were answered. I reached the great hall and doubled over out of breath. hey it was a big castle. I could fell Draco glaring at me behind me but he couldn't do anything in front of all the teachers. Breakfast was in full session already and people were given us weird looks but I ignored them. I caught the eyes of my friends who were already there and I waved to them as I walked to the slytherin table.I could here Draco's threats under his breath and he followed me. I sat down and he sat down next to me. I sat down and piled a plate of pancakes on my plate and used a spell that I had draco teach me to turn them blue. I was pouring syrup on them when I felt a cold wave wash over me. I was drenched. I turned with a murderous glare written on my face to find a smirking Draco with an empty goblet in his hand. 

"sorry." he said. "It slipped" 

I was too busy gaping at my blue pancakes. HE DRENCHED THEM!!!!!! 

"YOU ARE ON MALFOY" I whispered shouted. "watch your back......" I  said. He just smirked. "Prank war?"

"Prank war."

We shook hands determined looks on both of our faces. 

"It's on." 

"Let the games begin..."


Draco pov

I woke up to a sound of someone getting up out of bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I turned to see Percy up. "Morning" I said groggily.  He turned to see me nodded, smiled, and walked to the bathrooms. I found it nice to have a friend that spoke for themselves. i mean crabbe and goyle they were nice and all but Percy was an one of a kind person in a good way and I found his company make me feel almost special. It had barely been a day but we immediately hit it off. After the war it felt like no one liked me. But Percy didn't judge me no once and the way he acted I had a feeling he would never judge me.

I got up and waited for the bathroom. Percy walked out his hair a mess robes on wrong. He turned to me and flicked his hand. I cold splash hit me. before I could register what happened he ran out of the room. "JACKSON I WILL GET YOU FOR THAT!!!" I yelled. I quickly got ready, apologized to everyone I woke up when I yelled and ran out of the dormitory to find him. I ran to the great hall but on the way there, I found Percy going through the wrong coridder. I followed him quietly. He looked around clearly confused. I went closer to him quietly. He turned around and yelped when he saw my face. I had a mean glare on my face and struggled to maintain it when he let out the girlish shriek. He ran I ran after him still mad. he drenched my favorite  pajamas! I mean come on. I ran after him but he was FAST. He reached the main hall and doubled over panting.  I was also panting. He walked over to the slytherin table waving at his friends. I followed him muttering threats only he could hear but he ignored me. He sat down and piled pancakes tall on his plate. I brilliant idea came to me how to get him back. he died them blue with a spell I thought him. I thought it was weird but he explained how it was a family tradition and all that so I showed it to him. 

he was pouring syrup when I dumped my whole goblet filled with water straight on his head. Lots of it fell on his pancakes. he turned to me in shock. 

"Sorry," I said smirking. "It slipped" I said gesturing to the empty goblet in my hand. He didn't say anything. He looked at his plate of drenched, soggy, pancakes with an expression of panic, sock, and horror like he just witnessed a scene of murder. He turned back to me and whisper shouted "YOU ARE ON MALFOY! Watch your back....." he trailed off. I smirked.

"Prank war?"

"Prank war."

We shook hands determined looks on both of our faces.

"It's on."

"Let the games begin..."

THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!!!!! I will try my best to update often. Can't wait to see what Draco and Percy have in store for them........

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