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Leo's POV

SOOOOOO... that just happened. After the meeting i went back to my cabin and finding a pouch of these funny colored coins. I tried dumping out the contents on my bed but it refilled. there was a not from Hecate that said this was the wizard currency. hmmmmm it look funny. but oh well.

i quickly packed a bag full of t shirts and pants hopefully enough to last for the whole school year. I am exited because i will be learning magic but then there is that... word. SCHOOL> It sends shivers down my spines. uggggh. I grabbed my stuff gave a quick kiss to Calypso and ran to the top of the hill by Thalia's Pine Tree where Jason, Percy and Hecate were waiting with the rest of the seven . We all said there good byes (Annabeth promising a good judo flipping to Percy when he gets back if he doesn't IM all the time) and dissapeared in a flash. It felt like my stomach was getting pulled out of my body. When we landed Percy yelled "WAT THE HECK WAS THAT!" 

"That my child is the wizard way of getting around. It is called apparating. She then shot a ball of light at him. he flinched. "What was that?" "that was my blessing" she replied. She than gave it to Jason and than me. It didn't hurt but it was surprising like my mind just expanding. A bunch of weird facts and thoughts went through my head. I tried to ignore it.

I than decided to look around. "ummmmm where are we again???" i asked. 

"London England" 

"OK" was my intelligent response. She handed Jason a letter. This contains your tickets for the train. Now follow me." 

We followed her into a weird bar place. She went out the back and we were facing a brick wall. She took out a... stick? and than  tapped a few bricks and a wall formed. To be honest my day couldn't get any more surprising so I just went into it. 

"Welcome to DIAGON ALLEY" she said. 

Wait... Dragon Alley???


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