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Prologue/ third person POV
Peace. That's all Percy Jackson and his friends wanted. They wanted to some relaxation after the giant war. Leo came back with Calypso, he got beaten up by the seven and Nico, and everything was fine.

And that's of course when the gods had to mess it up.


Everything was ok. He was hanging out with the seven and Nico and calypso in about two weeks he would be going to collage in New Rome with his wise girl! That was the plan until The counselors meeting......

I myself was confused too. I had walked in to the big house and sat down and that's when I noticed a few things.
1. Why was the seven there? They weren't counselors.
2. I was pretty hungry
And that's about it. Than Chiron acts all casual and drops the bomb that wizards exist! And of course that's Leo's cue to act crazier than he already is. That's when I spoke up
" Chiron that has nothing to do with us... right?" I asked cautiously pointing to me and the seven. Chiron looked guilty.
" I am sorry children but sadly you have been picked to go undercover to a wizard school and make allies with them.
"But don't we need a prophecy?" Piped up Annabeth.
"The prophecy has already been issued. Rachel will you please repeat it?"  I turned my Head and noticed Rachel sitting in the corner fiddling with her hair. She looked up
"Oh.. yeah" she took a deep breath and started
"The child with fire and the child of sea
Shall go with the child who flys
To make allies with those who own powerful sticks
And demigods and wizards at mix
Shall either prevail or fail" She finished looking grim.
"No." I said simply. " I refuse to go another quest. Me and wise girl are going to new Rome for collage and that's that." I said firmly.
Chiron ignored me and tried to decipher the prophecy instead. " ok. So we know the child of sea is Percy-
"Still not doing it!"
He continued as nothing happened " the child with fire is obviously Leo and Jason is the only child of Zeus we know that actually flies. So you three have to go make allies with the wizards."
We all made a few cusses but mostly they were from Jason.
" Hey Jason we really don't need another Arion" I said. He returned it with a glare that I couldn't help but to turn away from.
"Children I am sorry but the fate of the world rests on your hands. This could be either the species or downfall for award in the future." Chiron said grimly.
"Uuuuggggh... fine explain more about this quest." I groaned.
"Ok" Chiron took a deep breath and started. " So Hecate blessed a group of mortals who saved her once from imprisonment with magic. They were able to use magic through their wands. This group kept expanding and now there are many wizards. They have many schools around the world.You have to go to a school called Hogwarts in England for one year. QUIET! Ok so you have to take all their classes and make a good impression on them and get them too like and trust you."
" Not hard for me. I am the most like able person in the world!" I said proudly. Chiron ignored this and continued.
" At the end of year once you earn their rust you reveal yourselves as demigods. Hopefully if they don't run away creaming or attack you you will have mkae allies sign a pact and than you can come back home. A few warnings though. One they can't see through the mist. Two celestial bronze can harm them. And... that's about it. I will give you a drink made by Athena and Hecate that will bless you with all the knowledge and spells you will need to know to go in the eighth year. Any questions?"

Thanks y'all for reading this! Please vote for my story!

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