The sorting

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Percy POV

Hogwarts is huge. It might as well me called hugewarts. My and Leo had such a bad sugar rush hermione had to put a body bind curse on us for like the rest of the trip. When she finally took it off we had to put on our robes. Oh my gosh I can't imagine what torture it would be if Annabeth was here. I might just go deaf on purpose so I don't have to hear her:) 

Hermione told us all about the sorting and now we were waiting behind all these little kids. It was kinda awkward but I've been through worse. 

Finally after hearing that hat scream a bunch of weird names it was our turn. one of the professors with features like a cat said "This is a very special year. For the first time we have exchange students from america. They come from Hecate's school of magic. I expect you treat them kindly. Grace,Jason!" she called. Jason walked up. The hat was like 5 feet away from his head before it screamed GRYFFINDOR! A red and gold table erupted in applause. Jason walked to the table and shot us a thumbs up. 

"Valdez, Leo!"


"Jackson, Perseus!"

"Percy!" I called as  I walked up. I sat on the stool and held the hat up to my head. Before I could fully place it on my head it called "SLYTHERIN!" 

A table with green and silver started clapping. I walked to the table. I passed by Jason and Leo and I stuck my tongues at them. Leo followed my action while Jason rolled his eyes. 

"Now let the feast began!" gandalf said. Wait. Gandalf?

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