Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Sierra?" A deep, raspy voice spoke from behind me as he grabbed my waist before spinning me around.

"Harry," I smiled, feeling slightly uncomfortable despite the butterflies in my stomach from his touch. I looked behind him and found Ebony giggling with a guy with blonde hair. I narrowed my eyes, and soon realised who it was. "Niall's here?" I asked.

Harry looked over his shoulder before shouting something at Niall that I couldn't quite understand before laughing and turning back to face me. He leant in to me slightly before speaking, "soooooo..." He slurred. "you gonna kiss me tonight, babe?" He breathed, I could smell the alcohol and cigarettes on his breath. I frowned before wriggling out of his grasp. He looked at me with confusion, and immediately felt guilty - as did I. I leaned into him and placed a kiss on his cheeks and he soon started grinning.

Truth is, I need to ask Harry about the file. It's bugging me, nothing makes sense. But I know that right now is definitely not a good time.

"I want you," He slurred, while poking my chest lightly, before continuing, "to meet some of my friends," He grinned before grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the kitchen - I gave Niall a friendly smile on the way out, noticing that him and Ebony seened to be pretty close. I know he won't hurt her, he doesn't seem like that type of guy.

Seconds later, we were in the backyard. There were garden lights lit up all the way down the path and around the garden. Harfy and I walked over to the decking, aftef weaving our way through drunken crowd. I'm pretty sure that almost 400 people are here, luckily Harry's house is big enough to hold that many.

"Harry! You alright bro?" A guy greeted Harry, doing some sort of bro hug, he didn't seem to be that drunk. There were two more guys, and a girl too, behind the guy, who all looked towards us as we approached.

"I'm goooood," Harry dragged before turning to me. "Sier-" he paused before furrowing his eyebrows. "Noooo, it's Dest-"

"I'm Sierra," I introduced myself, interrupting Harry. I stuck out my hand for the guy to shake.

"Hi, I'm Zayn," he smiled brightly, while shaking my hand. He seemed like a cool guy. He wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a white top which revealed a lot of his tattoos, and black boots. His hair was kinda long, but it suited him - he was much like Harry. "This is Liam," he pointed to a guy to his left, "this is Sophia - Liam's girlfriend," he pointed to a girl next to Liam. She was very beautiful, which made me feel extremely insecure. "And this," he began, "this is--"

"Trent! Yeah, we met at school," I smiled and he nodded in agreement. I smiled once again as Harry pulled me into his side, but I slowly pulled away. Somehow, he was now holding a red plastic cup. - empty, may I add - I looked over to him and chuckled, he could barely stand by himself.

"So you're Harry's girlfriend?" Liam asked.

I laughed loudly before shaking my head, "no, we're just friends." I chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my mistake," he apologised. I waved it off as it was nothing.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom," I smiled. "Nice to meet you all," I waved.

"You too!" The girl - who I now know as Sophia - said as she waved.

I walked off the decking before weaving my way through everyone and back into the house. By now, the music had gotten louder and more people had arrived. I made my wag upstairs before knocking on the bathroom door to check whether someone was already in there.

"Wait! I won't be a minute," a female voice spoke from behind the door. I took a few steps back before admiring one of the paintings on the wall. I really liked it and from what I could work out, it was a face, but it was split into two sections, but part of it was also masked. Almost like the painter was trying to hide it's identity.

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