Chapter Five

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"What is so dangerous about us being friends, Harry?" I asked. Harry is so confusing, it frustrates me.

"You wouldn't understand" He chuckled before rolling his eyes. "And besides, friends don't... kiss." He sighed.

"We didn't kiss." I reminded him. It's true, we didn't. Luckily he pulled away, otherwise I am sure I would have regretted it later on.

"Right, I know." He whispered before once again running his hand through his hair. He tends to do that a lot; it's hot, I guess. "But.."

"Look, Harry there is nothing wrong with us being friends, unless there's something you are not telling me?" I blurted before motioning my head towards the direction we were meant to be walking, signalling Harry to follow me but he just stood there.

"All right." He hesitated. "So... tonight. I will pick you up from your..?"


"Apartment. At 7. Wear something casual" He smiled before continuing to walk with me. I swear this guy is bipolar or something.

"Friends?" I asked.

"Friends." He repeated. "Wow, we sound like a couple of school girls after an argument". Crinkles formed at the corners of his eyes as he threw his head back laughing.

The walk back to my apartment wasn't too awkward, we just talked a little. Harry asked me about my week and I told him what I thought about Rylee and Scott, he agreed. I really do hope that tonight goes well, he seems nice.

After sitting on the sofa for two and a half hours, I decided to take a shower so I had enough time to get ready to go out with Harry.

I walked into my bedroom with my head and body wrapped in towels as I made my over to my closet.

"Something casual..." I whispered to myself as I pulled out a pair of navy blue skinny jeans, a white floral top and a peach baggy cardigan.

"That will do" I smiled to myself as I changed into my outfit before drying my hair with a hair dryer then letting it naturally fall over my shoulders after brushing it out.

"Where are you going?" A familiar voice sounded from behind me, making me jump to my feet.

"Shit" I whispered.

"Dad, don't scare me like that" I chuckled. "I'm going out with a friend tonight. How was your day?"

"Sorry, darling. Oh, and what friend would that be, may I ask? My day was fine, rather busy though" He replied calmly.

"His name is Harry. He's a-"

"Excuse me?" He cut me off, shooting me a glare.

"What?" I asked with a confused look. Why is he acting so strange about this?

"Did you say his name was Harry?" He took a step forward, his eyes widened before pulling his hair with his left hand. He does this when he is stressed.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" I asked while turning around to retrieve my make up bag from the table next to the body-lengthed mirror. "Do you know him or something? You're acting awfully strange about this, Dad. It's fine... I"m fine. He won't hurt me." I reassured.

"No." He sighed as he walked over to my bed and sat down on the edge. "How long have you known him?"

"A week or so, no biggie. Like I said, I'll be fine. I mean, I doubt all those fighting tactics will be needed tonight." I teased while applying some mascara and some concealer to cover the bags under my eyes, although looking at the expression on my dad's face tells me that this isn't a joke.

"Not right now, at least." I heard him mutter quietly, but it was loud enough for me to hear.

"What do you mean by that?" I quickly turned round.

"Nothing, darling. Just... be careful, okay?" He said, getting up and took a few strides towards me to peck me lightly on the forehead before exiting the room, closing the door behind him.

That was very strange. He acted as if he knew Harry, but that's impossible, he hasn't been living here long enough to stumble across my Dad.

I sigh before slipping a pair of peach ballet pumps to go with my outfit before heading downstairs to wait for Harry. He should be here soon as it is nearly 7pm.

Hi guys, I'm really sorry that this is short and boring but it's been a week since my last update so I just wanted to get something up or you all.

(Title change: Was Concealed, now Identity. Sorry for confusing you once again)

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