Chapter Twenty

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"You must have realised by now that all the training you have done in the past two years was done for a reason, right?" Alec asked, as I got myself comfortable, I nodded slightly, as it was clear that there was more to it than just being able to feel safe and to protect myself, I just had no clue what it was necessary for really. "Well, I'm not so sure how I can explain this, but just listen to me carefully, please." He sighed.

"Alec, take your time," I gave him a small smile. He nodded in reply.

"How much do you remember about your childhood?" He asked, tapping his right hand on the unit.

"Uhm, not a lot if I'm honest. Bits and pieces that don't really add up. " I answered quietly, trying to recollect my memories which were limited for some unknown reason.

"Like what?" He pushed. I sighed as I didn't understand why he was asking me this.

"Mom and dad fighting and then mom leaving all of a sudden." 

"Anything else?" He asked. 

"I.. I think before that happened, dad would be in the hospital a lot and would sometimes come home after work with cuts, brusies and bloody noses. I was young so I didn't understand. I'm guessing he got into a lot of fights," I laughed lightly. "And I also remember when you were in hospital a few years back for a pretty long time but I don't remember why," I sighed and so did Alec.

"Okay, you remember more than I thought so this may be a little easier to explain. Plus, once I tell you everything, some things may come back to you and you will remember them." He said. "Your dad... well, his job isn't what you think it is." He began, by this time I was very intrigued. "He has a very high status here in the states, his position even makes him very powerful. He has this co-operation, thing, I'm not sure how to descirbe it, it's like, assassinations, but not quite. Not to that extent. Anyway, involved in this co-operation, is a training academy, and they train people from the age of 16 to kill whoever they need killing. They also train people like me, to train other people who are not yet allowed to know about the co-operation, like you, for example. No one was allowed to tell you because your dad didn't want you knowing."

I cut him off by speaking, "Hold up, so for the past two years, you have been training me so I can kill some people that have a bust up with my dad and his god damn co-operation? Are you kidding me right now? I am not killing anyone. I refuse to. I won't do it." I spat viciously.

"That's the thing, you don't uh- you don't have a choice." He said quietly, lowering his head.

"Excuse me?" 

"You don't have a choice as in, you will be controlled." He sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked with confusion.

"Have you ever seen in movies or on tv, how someone can be hypnotised and when a certain word or phrase is like, said, the person who is hypnotised will do whatever they were asked to do when the hypnosis was done?" 

"Yeah, I ha- wait, are you saying that I'm going to be hypnotised?" I asked.

He shook his head before replying, "you're already hypnotised." he said, before asking for a piece of paper and a pen. I walked to the cupboard to get them and sat back down before pushing them towards him, looking at him curiously.

"When the fuck did that happen? I don't remember." I cried. I felt so confused at this point, I honestly thought that Alex was kidding, but the tone of his voice and his features told me otherwise.

"You wouldn't remember. It's impossible for you to remember that in particular. It happened when you were 16, you know, when the training started? We were in the living room, and a guy from your dad's co-operation hypnotised you. You were sedated beforehand so that you had no clue what was going on before either."

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