Chapter Ten

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My dad and I haven't spoken a lot since he found out about the messages I had been receiving. It's been seven days. I haven't had any messages since that night so I am hoping that things will die down a little.

Right now, I am just sitting in the living room watching a tv program that I have never heard of or seen before. I'm not really paying attention to what is happening as my mind is focused on what my dad is saying to the person he is talking to on the phone in the kitchen. His voice is pretty faint but I can make out everything he is saying.

"I need more time."


"No, she can't know about this yet."

There was a pause but then I heard him shuffling about in the kitchen before replying once again.

"Fine. Just give me one more month."

"Three weeks then?"

"Thank you and yes, I can make it."

"Ok, goodbye."

I could hear my dad walking towards the living room so I tried to act as if I wasn't just listening to his conversation that seemed very sketchy. What does he need more time for? What's happening in three weeks?

"I uh- I have to go out of Manhattan for some work for a few days. Alec will stay here with you, that way I will know that you are safe and he can help you with your... training." He explained, although he seemed nervous.

I sighed before replying, "Again? Dad, I don't like it when you go away for work, even if it is just for a few days. Besides, what do you even do because the office is here in Manhattan?" I questioned. I could tell that what I had just said made him feel very uneasy because his eyes keep shifting from mine to the window. My dad works as a psychotherapist, although sometimes he has to leave Manhattan or sometimes country - which I don't quite understand why - to work with other people. I don't know the full details of his job but it keeps him pretty busy.

"Sorry, darling. I will see you in a few days, Alec will be here in an hour." His apology was sincere but I still rolled my eyes.

"Okay. Have you packed?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes, well I sort of found out about this this morning so I am ready to go. I'll be leaving in about 5 minutes because I am in a rush so I'll say my goodbye now." He said before lightly kissing the top of my forehead then walking out of the room to the staircase.

"Wait, dad!" I shouted before he could make his way upstairs.

"Yes?" He asked as I poked my head around the corner of the door frame so he could see my face.

"Happy Birthday" I smiled. He beamed before letting out a laugh and thanking me.

I actually sort of forgot about his birthday because he doesn't like to celebrate it in any way, but I quickly remembered and I'm glad because now he seems in a happier mood.

One short hour later and there is a knock on the door. I rush out of the living room before swinging the front door open.

"Alec!" I screamed before flinging my arms around his neck, nearly choking him.

"You- do this- ev-ery time." He managed to say between choked breaths. I released my grip before bursting into a laugh. 

"It's just nice to see you." I beamed. "Come in." I said before walking into the living room.

"Did your dad say where he was going this time?" He asked before making himself comfortable on one of the sofas.

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