chapter fifty three

Start from the beginning

"Why don't you write it? You write stuff so why not a story?" Lisa suggested all of a sudden, her eyes brightening up a little bit once that idea creeped into her head and transported itself to Jennie's head through Lisa. Jennie paused for a moment trying to process what Lisa had just said or more accurately encouraged her to do. She was used to writing her own personal things, thoughts and things she had went through or emotions she was feeling and didn't know how to handle. But a story? Especially one taken straight out of her real life? That sounded kind of dangerous and it was asking for a huge commitment to it. "I shall find my ending in real life before I write it, don't you think?" Jennie played it off as if she was seriously thinking about that idea which truly managed to make its way to the very end of her head for now. "Oh, so I'm not your ending?" Lisa gasped in the most dramatic way possible, the older woman acting so offended from what she heard and causing Jennie to burst into laugher again.

"Only if you promise to grow old with me,"


"Oh my God you're so cute," Chaeyoung squealed and jumped on the couch, getting comfortable while holding the hot cup of coffee she had made in her hands. After finding out that Lisa had been at Jennie's house for at least a week she had begged her best friend to spill everything that happened. Knowing Chaeyoung well Lisa could not deny her need to talk about it and to inform her friend of everything that went down, after all Chaeyoung was indeed their biggest shipper in the whole world. "So, will you?" Chaeyoung asked and scooted closer to Lisa, raising and eyebrow while looking at her best friend who was thinking about her answer. "Huh?" Chaeyoung pushed her a little bit more, that mischievous smile on her lips being always there to remind her that both of them knew the answer deep down. "Most likely, yeah," Lisa started off and grabbed her own cup that had tea in it, Chaeyoung almost choking on her sip.

"I mean, I don't think I can live without her at this point," Lisa went into further explanation, taking small sips from her steaming hot tea while feeling Chaeyoung's eyes glued on her, burning her skin. "Like, would I want to marry her? Of course, would I do it now? I don't think so," Lisa went on and on while Chaeyoung was having trouble wrapping her mind around how many things Lisa felt for Jennie. It's not just that she felt many things or said many things about the way she looked at Jennie, she made sure to show it now and express it more since she recognized that this was her biggest mistake in the past. "Marry her? You want to marry Jennie?" Chaeyoung asked in disbelief knowing that her last commitment that had to do with a wedding didn't really go well, you'd think that Lisa wouldn't want to experience the stress of marriage again.

"I do, she's mine forever anyway," Lisa dared to say because she knew that it would make her best friend squeal out of happiness and she was right, Chaeyoung did just that. "Can you imagine... She'd look even more beautiful if that's even possible," Lisa zoned out of the world for a moment, looking into the distance while imagining how Jennie would look dressed in white and walking down the aisle, a picture that Lisa never thought she'd imagine with the particular person. Chaeyoung who was sitting just a few inches away from Lisa was just looking at her friend in pure disbelief, she really couldn't believe that something so beautiful came out of something so wrong at first. This was maybe the first time that she was seeing Lisa being so stuck, so in love with another human being. Not one thing resemble how she was acting when she met her ex.

"You know Valentine's Day is literally a few days away, right?" Chaeyoung asked and poked Lisa a little bit so she could bring her back to reality, Lisa shaking her head as she started to focus on her best friend's face again. "What about that?" Lisa asked confused as she took another sip from her tea which she didn't manage to swallow since she was immediately pushed by Chaeyoung. Looking down at her lap to point out the amount of hot tea that was spilled on her, Chaeyoung didn't even flinch, she was still looking at Lisa with the strictest look ever. "Um hello? What a better time to surprise her? Even propose maybe," Chaeyoung winked at her best friend who was still pretty much pissed for the tea on her pants, the hot liquid creating an uncomfortable sensation. Opening her mouth to say something Lisa stopped immediately when a sharp pain went through her chest, her hand immediately reaching to cover the spot that hurt her the most. "Are you okay?" Chaeyoung rushed instantly, her hands reaching to cup Lisa's face that had turned pale for a few seconds before she came back to her normal shade.

"Yeah, it was just a random pain," Lisa reassured her and slightly pulled her head away from her best friend's reach, Chaeyoung nodding and sitting back down after making sure that Lisa has returned back to normal. "Anyway, it would be amazing if I could go and visit, but we're drowning at work," Lisa explained and the shine that she had in her eyes before while talking about possibly marrying Jennie one day was now lost when she remembered that she had to be away from the woman she loved the most. "Alright... But think about it, I can always cover you" her best friend said and got up, checking the time in her watch she noticed that she was going to be late to her date with Jisoo, the two of them arranging to go out since neither of them was working the next day. "Call me if you need anything, I swear I'll answer no matter what" Chaeyoung smiled and pulled her best friend into a tight embraced after Lisa got up as well, the two of them saying their goodbyes.

As soon as the door closed her phone started ringing, her heart stopping when she realized that the only person that could be calling her was Jennie. Running back to the living room she grabbed it from the coffee table and answered immediately although she was quick she was not prepared for what she was going to get hit with. "Jen, w-what is going on?" Lisa stuttered a little bit when Jennie's figure came into sight, Lisa's throat getting dry instantly when she noticed that the woman was only wearing one of the silk robes that she owned. "Well, let's say I miss more things than just cuddling with you" Jennie's low and seductive raspy voice  reached Lisa's ears, the older woman swallowing hard as she kept looking at Jennie up and down wishing she was in the same room with her now. "D-Don't tell me you-" Lisa spoke up but was soon cut off when Jennie let the robe slip down her shoulders, exposing everything right away. "Yeah, I'll be doing exactly what you're thinking," Jennie was quick to respond, using her hands to seductively spread her legs open while leaning closer to the camera.

"And you're going to be joining me from your own bedroom,"

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