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"Alright everyone when I call your name please come up to the board" our
Trendy teacher seems to be in a bad mood these days. I have a feeling it has something to do with the woman he used to leave with afterschool. I havent seen her around lately. But I'll just keep my thoughts to myself.

"Todoroki Hikaru" he called out unenthusiastically. Hikaru looked towards Yuto and I with a nervous look in his eye. I forgot to mention the results of my doctors visit and the extra class that will be taking place so of course he probably thinks he's in trouble or something.

"Hori Jessica" there was a small sound of a chair scooting back behind us and then suddenly "no Jessi! Don't leave". I turned behind me and saw Amari Miu clinging on to Hori. Makes sense their extremely close but still a little distance might do them some good. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against either of them! Their both super nice but even though I wanna be closer to them it's hard to when they keep everyone at a distance. "Amari let go of Hori" our teacher sighed. She frowned and stomped her feet "why can't I go with her?!?" He scratched the back of his head and shrugged "your not qualified yet. Now sit back down before I start getting angry". She paled and nodded before giving Hori another hug then sent her off.

Our teacher has a quirk that changes his appearance to one of I guess you can call it a demon. He likes to scare us into behaving. He's usually pretty nice but I'm guessing whatever troubles he's having is making him a bit...yikes.

"Alright Fujioka Jackson and Kodama Michelle make your way up here" they didn't resist and went up. By this time everyone was antsy. A lot of the high ranking students have already been called so I can just imagine what their thinking right now.

"Ooooo intresting Kanshiro Samuel get on up here" everyone turned to the corner seat he was at. Even his table mates. Kanshiro doesn't socialize too much and prefers to spend most of his time sleeping. He like some of us are the type of genius that don't really have to try except his nonchalant attitude runs most of the others the wrong way. I get along with him pretty well though.

"Last but not least the girl who is the reason I have more work to do, Bakugou Katsumi" now everyones eyes are on me. If I was Nii I'd probably blast him and curse him out. Yuto tugged on my sleeve "what does he mean?"

I bit my lip and pulled on my sleeves "well you see-" "see class our little Bakugou finally manifested her quirk." Our teacher interrupted me. Everyone started giving me praises and I felt my face heating up both because I'm shy and because I'm annoyed at my teacher. "Her quirk though caused a few accidents so everyone thought it best we do a course on how to teach you guys to understand them. So everyone up here has manifested your quirk and I'm sure has caused an accident of some kind so this course is just to help you".

I felt their judgement after he told them about the accident and started to get even more annoyed. The kids by the board looked slightly embarrassed while our teacher just looked like he'd rather be somewhere else. Thinking back on what Nii has told me about not letting people walk over me I clenched my hands and walked forward with my head held high "you know what sensei!"

He looked over at me suprised but I still continued "just because you're having problems with your lady friend doesn't mean you have to make us sound like some MONSTERS that needs to be tamed to everyone." My first thought was I can't wait to tell Nii that I did as he said. He'll be so proud. But immediately after that I realized that wasn't a good thing and I went to far.

"Bakugou...head to the principles office right now"

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