After class

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"See you tomorrow everyone "

Our teacher waved to us leaving. Well I suppose as intelligent kids we are expected to be able to leave a building ourselves? Everyone gets out of the classroom leaving except Hikaru, Yuto, and I. We head into the hallway stopping unsure...Class ended earlier than the highschool students and we were supposed to leave with our families.

"My brother said to wait for him...what should I do?" I looked worriedly at the boys. They frowned "me too" they both said. We stood in place thinking for awhile before hearing a sigh behind us.

Turning around we saw a messy looking man with bloodshot eyes. He looked scary staring down at us. Yuto hid behind me and I grabbed Hikaru's hand. "W-what do you want" Hikaru stuttered. The man looked us up and down then sighed again "follow me". I shook my head "why should we!?! We don't know you! I'll call my brother on you. He's strong!"

The man raised an eyebrow "your brother? I'm guessing out of you three your Bakugou's sibiling. Well girl I'm your brother's homeroom teacher. Now follow me to his classroom. You can wait there for them". He gestured to us and walked away.

I looked at the boys and shrugged. Hikaru frowned "he doesnt look like a teacher ". "I'm with Katsumi on this one" Yuto said standing next to me. "Of course you are" rolling his eyes Hikaru joined up with us on our way to the already walking teacher.

"Excuse me...sir?" I curiously called out to him. He glanced at me "you can call me sensei too if you want or Eraser head". I glanced over at the boys sending eye signals before answering "Say Sensei how long till they return and leave?"

We made it to the end of the hall and entered a classroom with a big door. "They'll be here soon. Just gonna have a have a class meeting then their dismissed. Now here you can sit upfront while you wait for them so you don't distract them too much".

"We won't distract them, promise!" I smiled to him. He glanced at me eyebrow raised "you aren't like your brother." "W-w-what do you mean?!? I'M JUST LIKE NII!" My eyes start to water and I clench my fist. Nii is the best person out there. I'm his sister so I should be like him....maybe he can tell I'm adopted. Am I really not like him? A-am I a bad sister?

"Sumi? Sumi! Why are you crying?!?" Suddenly there was Nii picking me up. "Was someone bullying you?!? Huh! Which one of you punks bullied her?!?" I smiled at his familiar behavior and clung onto his neck laying my face on his shoulder "It's ok Nii it wasn't them...I just had a sad thought". He pulled me so I was facing him "you sure?" Nodding I gave him a small smile and pecked his cheek "you made it all better so I'm ok now. Nii you should put me back down. You still have class".

We looked behind us and his whole class was staring at us. Yuto and Hikaru were still at the seats by the podium. They were looking at us with all kinds of emotions on their faces so I couldn't really tell what they were thinking. "I don't feel comfortable with you sitting with boys" I was carried to a desk instead of the seat up front. Hikaru opened his mouth to argue when another voice chimed in. "What do you think your doing Bakugou?" His teacher asked tired. "I'm letting her sit with me rather than leaving her up there with you extras. Now carry on or we're gonna lose even more time" I looked at my brother surprised. He just smirked at me and settled me in his lap.

His teacher rolled his eyes but decided it wasn't worth it and went on. I looked around the room and saw all types of interesting characters some were even looking at me. I waved cautiously and they smiled waving back. So this is his class.

I glanced at Nii and saw him looking serious towards his teacher. He's a hard worker. I should try and be like him so I looked forward and tried to copy his serious face. His teacher kept glancing my way and his mouth would twitch. Is something wrong? I looked back at Nii and saw him with a frown and a confused face. Adults are weird.

I look over at Hikaru and Yuto and wave. They wave and go back to whatever conversation they were having. So BORED.

Suddenly a Rubix cube is put in front of me. I look and see a girl waving. She has black hair and kind eyes. Looks like she's smart and rich. I smile and wave back before going to the puzzle in front of me. These are easy if you know the algorithms to it. I study it then smile.

Within 4 seconds it's finished. "Cool" I hear and see Midoriya staring wide eyed my way. Other students start chiming in asking how I can do it so fast and Nii looks smug while proclaiming it's because I'm his sister and to back off.

"Well I see that we can't continue any longer since you all seem preoccupied with our new guest. So we'll end it here. Make sure you come tomorrow ready to listen" he tiredly looked at them. They answered him and started packing up.

"Come on let's leave before these extras try and start a conversation " I squeaked at the sudden movement. Nii left the class in a hurry and I can hear slightly hear him muttering about his classmates being too friendly.

Well today was good overall. Though I've been feeling this slight headache for awhile's probably nothing. Maybe just cause I was in a new environment?

I'm sure it'll be gone by tomorrow...

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