Preparing for class

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"Alright I just got off the phone with your teacher. Seems the Doctor was true to his word and called in about your quirk needing to be trained" Nii said while walking out of the kitchen. "So I'm gonna be taking another class?" I asked moving on the couch so he has space.

"More like another subject. I think your teacher is gonna be the one over seeing the training...well he didn't tell me otherwise" he frowned and leaned back "I'd rather they get a more...feminine teacher for you." I giggled at his behavior and grabbed the brush on the table "well I'm gonna be too busy learning to care about the gender of my teacher". He 'hmphed' and pulled me on to his lap grabbing the brush from me "I give you permission to accidentally hit that Hikaru kid while practicing. You can get a few good hits in before anyone says anything".

I turned to him "Nii!" Shrugging he turns me back around and starts brushing my hair "it's just a suggestion ". "Hikaru is my friend! How could I hit him for no reason?!?" His red hair comes to mind and I smile "I think he's starting to like you". Nii let's out a weird forced chuckle "that kid? Like me?"

I felt his hands start fixing up my hair "yeah! He doesn't seem as nervous when you come up." Hikaru does change the subject pretty fast whenever Nii comes up but I won't say that. Trying to get them to a better relationship is a bit of a struggle. Still it's better than Yuto who seems to hide whenever he even senses Nii.

"That's something I have to work on" he tch'd and patted my head "there I finished braiding your hair. Now it's time to go to bed. You got a big day ahead of you". I felt my hair and followed the two braids he did down "you got better. Still a little loose in some places but I'll give it a 7/10".

We laughed and he picked me up "these are the best braids ever made. Now remember only me and our parents are allowed to touch your hair. Don't let me catch those boys touching it" he shifted me in his arms as we walked out the living room.

"Ok ok Nii, I promise" I mentally sigh and lean my head on his shoulder. Tomorrow is gonna be wild I can feel it.

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