Same Class?

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"This problem was the easiest" Hikaru points at his textbook. "Well I thought the book review was the easiest" Yuto replied. I tilted my head thinking back to all the work we did "they were all pretty easy". "I agree" Samuel nodded in agreement.

I smiled at him since little fluff balls were coming out of him at random times. He pulled a chair over to our table to hang out.

"OK everyone if your name is called that means you were selected to take part of today's special quirk control class. Not everyone with a quirk will be participating all at once, you will all be assigned at different days" our new teacher told us. He was kind looking with some Grey hairs.

"I hope I get called today" Hikaru whispered to us. I nodded in agreement, Samuel shrugged unintrested, and Yuto looked down at his hands.

"Today will be...Bakugou Katsumi and Todoroki Hikaru" ah! I jumped up excited and grabbed Hikaru's hand running us up quickly to the front. "That's us! We're ready" my eager voice made some of the kids laugh and our teacher chuckle. "Yes I can see that. Here hold these papers, they are not for you but for the teacher that will be outside the door waiting for you. Make sure to be on your best behavior and also...have fun" he pinched our cheeks softly before patting our heads sending us out.

Still holding Hikaru's hand, I peeked out and saw Nii's teacher standing not far away "come". I looked over at Hikaru a bit nervous but shook myself out of it when i saw his nervous face. We both can't be nervous. One has to be strong!

"Hello" we said as we stopped in front of him. He looked us up and down "follow me we'll be having class outside". I nodded and made sure to hand him the papers which pretty much have our information on them.

I heard him sigh, "Today is gonna be a headache".


"So then it turns midnight and...she runs away! Why would she run away?!?" "Did you READ the story Hikaru?!? " "Sumi I get the whole thing about magic really but it would have been a whole lot faster if she just turned back into her regular clothes in front of him and explained her situation" I shook my head "I'm not having this conversation again". "Good because we're here" Nii's Teacher told us as we stopped outside a classroom. I nervously fiddled with my fingers and turned to look at well OUR teacher now.

Our eyes met when suddenly something flew by him. He caught it and sighed "I get that you guys are nervous but lesson one. Your quirks are closely connected with your emotions. The better control you have over them the better control you'll have over your quirk."

I blushed embarrassed though he seemed to pay no more attention to it as he opened the door to the classroom. "I brought two of my students to help us today. You know them already think of them as your emotional support...person." I looked at Hikaru and he looked at me with the same look full of curiosity that I had on my face.

"Finally we can get started. I was ready to fight this extra if you had taken any longer. He was starting to get on my nerves" Nii's voice reached me from inside the classroom. I smiled instantly and ran in straight to his arms "I didn't know you were helping today!"

"I didn't either but I'm glad I am" he hugged me closer. I giggled overjoyed when I caught sight of another boy. Oh! Hikaru's cousin, Todoroki. Why is he staring at us? I hid a bit behind Nii which got his attention "what's wrong Sumi?" I just looked away still feeling Todoroki's stare.

"Sumi what's wro- oh I see" he was glaring at Todoroki when I looked up. He turned and walked up to him "you got a problem?" Todoroki seemed to shake out of whatever trance he was in and face Nii "no". "Your freaking out my sister, jerk." Nii stepped up to him but Todoroki didn't move away! "That's not my problem. Maybe you should be doing your job as a brother and console her instead of try to intimidate me" I looked at my brother feeling defensive. No one can be mean to him!

I ran to his side and tried to copy his mad face. "You know what, why don't you grab your things and leave, there's the door" he pointed towards the door and Todoroki frowned. He wasn't moving so I peeked from behind Nii and said "there's the door!" They both looked at me in surprise and I felt my face heat up.

"Hey why are you guys yelling" Hikaru called out from behind. He finally entered the classroom with the teacher. "Sensei! You see what had happened was" Nii looked for an explanation when he saw them.

"Save it. I don't care" our teacher tied back his hair and took out some papers "let's get started."

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