Chapter 21

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I threw my suit jacket on the floor, continuing my pleas for them to stop and jumped in between them on my knees, on the hard carpet.

I tried to grab at Liam first, thinking it would be my best bet, grappling in between them, trying to pull his face to look at mine. He was too far gone, dodging around me to throw another punch at Johnny, who retaliated. The blood on both their faces was making me sick; so much so that I lost my balance in the midst of the chaos and was nocked on my back beside them.

I looked up, my hair all over the place and screamed next to them, begging them to stop. It wasn't helping, I needed to do something before they ended up killing each other. I had an idea.

'Owhhh!' I screamed, pretending that I had been hurt when I had been nocked out of the way. I dramatically lay on my side and howled in fake pain, clutching my foot, trying to get one of their attentions.

I noticed both of their heads jerk in my direction, their bodies still all over one an other. I looked at Liam who was frowning in my direction, concern all over his face; blood coming out of his nose and underneath his eyes. Then I looked Johnny, blood trails gushing out of his hairline and lip; his eyes searched my body for any sign of injury.

'Hannah are you alright?!' Liam pushed back against him and crawled frantically over to me, grabbing at me to check if I was alright, pulling me into his arms.

Johnny looked like he wanted to say something but kept his position on his knees on the floor studying me. He knew exactly what tactic I had played. His lips fell into a hard line and he composed himself whilst getting his breath.

I focused on Liam, who had me cradled like a child, the contact from his strong body made me shake. I could feel his anger still radiating off him and knew he hadn't calmed down enough for me to give up pretending so I carried on.

'I think I've hurt my ankle'. I wined. Liam pushed my hair back from my face and then made his way to my foot, carefully removing my shoe, inspecting my ankle. In the corner of my eye I could see Johnny rolling his eyes. He stood suddenly and straightened his suit out. I cringed, there was dried blood all over it. Liam remembered he was there and his body tensed, I gripped him closer to me.

'Get the fuck out of my building now'. Johnny's voice pierced the air between us all. Liam's teeth clenched.

'I'm not done with you... not by a long stretch'. He spat. 'I'm not leaving her here alone with you'. He turned back to me then, still cradling me in his arms. 'I can't stand it'. He added. I shivered.

There was silence for about thirty seconds. Johnny's laughter ended it.

'Do you think you've got anything more to offer her Meadows? Do you think your presence here affects the situation. She chose me. She will chose me again. Want to know why? Because I can offer her much more than you can and I am not just talking financially. You know she's a smart girl. She will realise what her only choice really is'. His tone was matter of fact, while Liam shook underneath me. His face was purple. I gripped him tight to prevent him from moving.

He searched my face for any hint that Johnny's words were correct. I swallowed the lump in my throat and kept my grip firm to try and keep him calm. I knew he was getting ready to start fighting again. He opened his mouth.

'You watch your mouth! You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. She's known you five minutes. She loves me! You'll see what I'm going to do to you!' Liam's shot back.

Before either of them could say or do anything else, Wendy entered the reception and dropped her handbag as she looked between the three of us with utter confusion. We must have looked like something from a horror film. I was cradled in Liam's lap, pinning him down so that he wouldn't start again, his blood all over both of us and Johnny stood about half a metre away equally as blood stained. Her frightened gaze landed on me.

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