Chapter 3

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Putting my makeup on for my second day, I couldn't stop thinking about how intense my dream was. I was torn between feeling upset thinking of Liam and unnerved by Johnny's face in my mind. I barely knew this man and here I was dreaming about having sex with him! I had literally exchanged two minutes with him, really pissed off at the time.

Applying my mascara, I heard Mollie's footsteps on the landing.

'Morning Han', she popped her head round the door.
I smiled at her, her eyes barely open.

'Morning'. She flopped on to the bed yawning. I decided to fill her in on the Liam half of my dream as I still hadn't mentioned Johnny to her yet, I made a note to tell her after work tonight.

'It is perfectly normal to still have Liam bouncing around your head, he was a big part of your life!' She rubbed her eyes.

'I know' I sighed heavily. 'Just does my head in'. I added another layer on to my lashes and huffed.

She stood up and stretched her arms out and then blew a kiss at me and wandered into the bathroom. I was fixing my hair as I heard her shout through that she was going back to bed.

I pulled into the car park, turned off the ignition and sprayed myself with perfume. It was still semi dark but the only car other than mine was a brand new black Range Rover Evoque. I admired it whilst I fixed my self. I had always appreciated cars and this one was special. I walked across the car park, sneaking a last glance at the black car, my head filled with thoughts of the work that awaited me. I enjoyed starting early, I was much more productive and the day went much quicker.

As I walked into the building and started to turn left to my desk I noticed the light was on. Fear and excitement leapt through me. I knew it was him. I stood at the door debating. It was too early for another altercation with him and the way he had affected me yesterday from the slight exchange scared me. I was lingering at the door for too long, I had to go in.

I walked into the office and noticed him sitting at his huge desk rubbing his eyes with his large hands. I felt so awkward as I wondered if I should make more of a noise. I decided to play dumb, like I hadn't seen him and let the large oak door handle slip through my fingers, making a bang.

His head jerked up in my direction. He was suddenly alert, staring at me through irritated eyes making my neck twitch. I could feel his annoyance from across the room and I suddenly felt foolish and very hot. His demeanour cooled slightly and a flash of something I couldn't read shot through his eyes. His body straightened, dominant and fierce and his eyes yet again settled on me, looking very pissed off. I could not work him out at all.

'Hello.. sorry.. Um do you want a cup of tea?' I was aware that I was rambling slightly.

His lips twitched with amusement, he knew his presence affected me. I was annoyed now that my usual confidence was nowhere to be found. I was more annoyed with him though. I changed my stance from awkwardly swaying on my feet to facing him square on.

'Two sugars and milk'. His tone was clipped.

I nodded and turned on my heel and headed towards the kitchen. I let out a breath as I pulled out two clean white mugs. The kettle was boiling at the same pace as my blood. The more I thought about him, the more irritated I became. Who did he think he was the condescending little prick? I'd dealt with men with ego complex's before and I certainly wasn't putting up with anymore rudeness, boss or no boss. I could tell he didn't like me or better yet he couldn't be bothered liking me. That suited me to the ground. I just wanted to get on with my work.

I walked with a different air about myself as I made my way into the office. My confidence had returned. I made my way to my desk, putting my mug down along with my bag. I then turned my computer on and only then did I pass him his drink. I was aware he was watching me the whole time. He frowned and nodded at me like I had done to him minutes earlier. No thanks then, I thought.

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