Chapter 18

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A month had passed since I had agreed to be exclusive with Johnny. In that month we had been almost inseparable. I had moved back home, Paul understood, he knew it was only a temporary measure me staying there. I promised I would keep him informed and would come and see him still. I hadn't told him about Johnny though. I was keeping it quiet. The only person who knew was Mollie.

I had begged Johnny to keep it between us at work too; which was extremely hard. I was sure Wendy and Sean could feel the sexual tension radiating between us. It was magnetic. If we were ever alone together in the office we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. It was amazing.

I was falling for him and it terrified me.

The whole month had been sexual bliss. He had whisked me away to Rome for the weekend, the second week in. We had the best time, roaming the city, enjoying getting to know each other without the pressures of everyday life.

He also took me to the best restaurants and bars around our own city and he really let me in emotionally. In the short time we had spent together I felt I trusted him implicitly.

I hadn't heard a word from Liam and neither had Paul. I wondered everyday where he was, he was always on my mind. I half wished I could forget about him. Johnny knew it too. I could feel tension every time Paul called me or I zoned out of conversation. He wondered what I was thinking. It drove him mad. I could feel it in the way he made love to me sometimes, like he was desperate to fuck Liam out of me. Like he wanted to erase him from my life and heart for good.

I sighed thinking of it. I knew I hadn't let him go but I had as much as I could for now. It was small steps.

I was surprised how natural it felt with Johnny. I never in a million years thought that anyone could ever compete with how I felt for Liam but Johnny was special. The sex was absolutely mind blowing. He didn't just fuck me, he made love to me, he pleasured me constantly. I couldn't stop thinking about him when he was away from me.

He confided in me that he wasn't close with his family, that his Mum and Dad were still together but his Dad was abusive and they hadn't spoken in three years.

He had built the business up with Derek after starting there with nothing to his name.

He loved cooking nice meals for us and had never had a serious relationship before, opting for casual flings and one night stands, his divide with his family playing a big part in him having intimacy issues and letting people close to him.

He said it was different with me though. Everything I asked of him he had told me without hesitation, the good and bad, and I was the same with him. I loved how direct he was trying to be.

He would send me dirty texts from across the office everyday and sent me 'anonymous' flowers so that Sean could see them. He was besotted with me as I was him. I couldn't believe how well it was going, that such a unique man wanted me.

I was on my way to work when my phone rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. Speak of the devil. It was Johnny. 'Hi gorgeous'. His voice made me tingle.

'I've just left you what do you want?' I laughed pulling in to the car park. He let out a dry laugh.

'Less of your lip Miss Williams. What I want is you back in my bed right now. Fuck work and come and fuck me'. He said. I groaned.

'Don't tempt me! I have work to do and my boss is an arrogant slave driver'. I smirked.

'Is he now. I'll have to sort that out for you. Come back to me now and I'll make sure you are compensated for your bosses attitude'. He teased. I loved his playful side as he was, for the most part quite serious.

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