Chapter 11

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I pulled into Pottery Road. The apartment block was in a gated area surrounded by tall trees. They were old buildings but looked like they had had a modern refurbish. Each one had a Juliet balcony and the block itself was overlooking a canal. The area was very affluent and quiet.

His apartment was fifth floor. The very top. It was the last one on the right, in a row of four. His own balcony went all the way round the side of the building as it was on the edge of the building.

I checked my appearance in the mirror, reapplying lip gloss and wiping underneath my eyes. I winced as I removed the tea towel from my head, the blood had dried up but there was a nasty cut on my hair line.
He would definitely notice, I thought. I sighed. My appearance would have to do.

I stepped out of my car, locking it. I looked up at his apartment. The balcony doors were open but I could barely see in; expensive light gray velvet curtains blew lightly with the cool breeze in the air. It started to rain heavily then.My head still throbbed as I jogged into the first door of the building. I buzzed on his number and the second door opened immediately. He knew I was here.

I took a deep breath and made my way up the corridor stairs. I should have felt tired but I couldn't, I could only feel excitement and anger. Lust coursed through me and I couldn't give a fuck anymore. This was a welcome distraction. I would fuck his brains out, no strings.

I needed to get that image of Liam out of my head. The cocaine all round his face, all over his overalls. The out of it look in his eyes. It made me sick. I didn't want to think of Liam anymore, I wanted to forget.

How stupid had I been thinking I could have given him another chance? I needed to forget. This was why I was here.

As I approached his door I noted that it was off the latch. Soft music played as I walked through. The place was three bedroom. It was huge and open planned. The decor was white and grey, like mine.
His light grey couch stretched round the whole living room area and his TV was so big it wouldn't look out of place in a cinema.

I spotted him then. He was in the kitchen area, leaning against the white marble island in the middle. A couple of pans were on behind him simmering, whilst he watched me curiously, sipping on a glass of wine. I couldn't leave his eyes. He was so sexy.

He was in matching blue nike shorts and top. His long legs were tanned muscles full of dark hair. My stomach was doing backflips as I took in his casual dress. I had never seen him in anything other than a suit. He looked weird. I knew he was only twenty nine but he always came across as much older beyond his years.

His short hair was wet, he'd just got out of the shower, I thought. My head throbbed even harder as I pictured him naked in the shower. Oh what I was in for.

He looked as equally excited but conveyed a cool demeanour, only a wicked gleam in his eyes gave him away as he scanned me up and down so obviously. He licked his lips very slowly, deliberately. The air between us was incredibly thick.

'Wine?' His voice was husky. I nodded as he walked towards me, slowly clicking his neck from left to right, and handed me a large glass of what looked like vino.

We both sipped slow, staring at each other over the top of our glasses. He suddenly frowned and put his glass down, taking mine off of me carefully and then stood an inch from my face. His hand moved at a slow pace as he traced the fresh cut on my head with his finger tips. It burned. I cringed and flinched, his eyes looked troubled, angry even. I gulped.

'Don't worry about it'. I shrugged. He looked like he wanted to ask more but instead his lips pressed into a hard line and he continued to stroke my cut softly; his eyes melting, the sincerity behind them touched me. The burning sensation was still present and it strangely started to turn me on.

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