Chapter 20

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I woke up every hour filled with dread until I couldn't take it anymore. I dragged myself up at 5am and got a shower. I made a strong coffee and sat in the garden smoking a cigarette. I felt absolutely depleted. I tried to call Liam. Voicemail. I sighed.

It was fully over.

I retched thinking of the prospect.

My mind went to Johnny. I dreaded the fact I would have to explain things to him when he was back. I pulled harshly on my smoke. I had to stay focused with work. There was too much to do. Hopefully it would help keep my mind preoccupied.

After washing my cup, I went upstairs and put another black skirt and tights on with a silver cami top. I threw my hair in a high pony and put on minimal makeup. Tiredness crept in so I made my way back downstairs and made a flask of coffee, I would go in earlier today and get a head start.

It was still dark outside when I got into the office, I turned my foot heater and computer on and got to work. My phone rang two minutes later. It was Johnny. I answered.

'Hannah. Are you okay? Why are you at work so early? His tone was impatient. I frowned. How did he know I was here? He read my mind. 'I get an alert to my phone when someone goes into the office and I checked the cameras'. He said smoothly.

'Couldn't sleep. Thought I'd come in and crack on, I'm very busy today'. My tone was flat.

'Are you alright?' His concern made me feel guilty. I would have to tell him sooner rather than later.

'Liam's back'. I stated. There was silence. I put my head in my hands.

'I see'. He said simply. 'How are you feeling?' He asked cautiously.

'I honestly don't know. Somethings happened Johnny. I need to speak to you but not like this, not over the phone'. My voice hitched and he let out a sharp breath.

'I'll cut my trip short and I'll be back this afternoon. I'll take you for early dinner'. His tone was clipped. 'I have to go'. He put the phone down before I could say another word. I rubbed my temples and started ploughing through my work.

Nobody spoke much to me once they came in, knowing how busy and tired I was. I was grateful, I was dreading meeting with Johnny and also worried about Liam. Had he seen Paul yet? Oh my god Paul! He hadn't rang me back after I'd text him to call me.

'Just got to make a quick call Wend'. I smiled, she smiled back nodding her head as I walked out dialling Paul. He answered on the third ring.

'Hannah um sorry I have just got your message I was going to call you back, um I've seen Liam'. He stuttered. I froze. 'He um he's really upset. I'm downstairs now while he's sleeping. He's been up all night. He woke me up when you... left last night'.

I didn't know how to respond. Paul had heard us. Liam must have told him everything. Embarrassment engulfed me. What must he think of me?

'Is he okay?' I asked frantically. He sighed.

'I'm not sure Hannah he was pretty upset.. I... um I'm just going to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't leave the house today... I'll have a proper chat with him when he gets up. I think it's best if you give it a few days before you see him... let the situation cool down before either of you do something you'll regret'. His words made sense but hurt me all the same. I nodded my head.

'Thanks Paul as long as he's there with you'. I gulped.

'I appreciate everything you've done Hannah I really do hope you know that'. He said, his voice embarrassed. I nodded again.

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