Chapter 4

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My mind was still reeling as I straightened up my white blouse and pencil skirt. Did that really just happen? My body felt so irritated, wanting release.

What a dick!

I can't believe I was nearly cheaply conned into succumbing to such a vile man! I really could not work him out; he was clearly sexually attracted to me yet completely pissed off with me! The sheer arrogance of him! He was lucky I wasn't putting a sexual harassment complaint in about him!

I lingered a few more moments gathering my composure and wondering how I was going to face him when I wanted to slap him and fuck his brains out simultaneously. I wanted to be professional, this job meant a lot to me and it was only my second day so I made my way back towards the office conveying a professional aura about myself.

I burst through the door to make my presence a little bit more intimidating but he was gone. I looked around but he wasn't in sight. I wandered to the window and his car was gone.

Jesus! I was half relieved and half disappointed. I went back to my desk and to my sheer annoyance he had taken the file I had been working on. I wasn't finished with it yet! He was spiteing me, getting me back for resisting him! Just as I was about to text Mollie to fill her in with everything when Sean held the door open whilst Wendy walked through.

'Woah Han it's only us'. He half smiled looking bewildered. I must have looked a deer in the headlights. I relaxed slightly.

'Sorry I was in a world of my own'. I smiled at them.

'Morning sweetheart.' Wendy offered a smile back, fixing herself at her desk.

'Cuppas?' We both said please to Sean as he grabbed our mugs and made his way towards the kitchen.

'How you getting on sweetie?' Wendy's voice was soft.

'Ok thanks, just ploughing through'. I smiled sweetly at her. She was so lovely and helpful.

'Let me know if you need me'.

'Um... I saw Mr O'Leary this morning, he took the Sanders file, he said he needed it for a meeting this afternoon'. I tried to sound casual.

'So you've met Johnny then, a looker that one'. She looked at me with a knowing grin.

I shrugged back trying to display indifference when that was so far from the truth. 'Only seen him for a moment'. I responded. The sexiest none sexual moment I'd ever experienced, I thought.

'He's very private and can come across rude and arrogant but he's kind hearted really once you see past all of that'. She explained. I nodded and wondered how much of his personality he had shown Wendy.

Sean burst in then full of the energy that he had all day yesterday and gave us our cuppas. 'Cheers' we both thanked him in unison.

I got through my work quite quickly that morning. It was a welcome distraction from what had happened that morning with Johnny. My stomach rumbled and I glanced at the corner of my computer and spied the time was 1.20pm.

'Gonna go for my lunch if either of you want anything?' I yawned.

'I'll come with you'. Sean stood up and smiled.
He was so lovely and attentive and I started to suspect I would become very close to him.

He was wearing a maroon suit today that complimented his physique really well. As we wandered out of the office into the car park, his shoulder nocked into mine.

'Fancy a walk with our butties? There's a little park two minutes away if you fancy?' He asked.

'Yeah go on'. I stretched.

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