Chapter 10

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After making myself a quick ham and cucumber sandwich, I put some short gym shorts on and sat on the couch. My mind was full of the altercation I had had with Johnny. Even though I didn't usually enjoy men with his tact, his words made me tingle. There was just something about him, plus the fact he was absolutely amazing to look at.

I thought then of Liam. The guilt was eating me because I still loved him terribly. Whatever I tried I couldn't break the connection, we were bound together so tightly.

Should I tell him? My body went cold. He would absolutely flip. I couldn't bare the thought of him picturing me with someone else, I already knew how that felt on the other end. It would kill him. I felt queasy. I didn't want to lie to him though.

What was I lying about though? We weren't together. He had no right to know my business. I tried to reason but it wasn't helping ease my conscience or my ability to make a decision.
I grabbed my phone. There was a message from Sean.

'Hi Han, Wendy told me that you had to rush off. Hope you're okay? Let me know. Again I'm sorry about Saturday night. See you tomorrow Mate x'.
I text him back that I was okay, that things were okay between us and that I would see him tomorrow.

I decided to call my Mum and see if she was awake.
She answered on the fourth ring.

'Hi Gorgeous Girl! I've missed you'. She sounded groggy but genuinely happy to hear my voice.

'Hi Mum, did you have a good holiday? Are you up and about?' I chewed on my bottom lip. I felt a happiness come over me in hearing her voice. It helped me forget about the situations I had found myself in with two completely different men who affected me in equally different ways.

She rambled on about her two week holiday, about how she was gutted she was home but wanted to see Mollie and me tonight.

'How's your new job going Han? You settling in okay?' She asked. I let out a dry laugh. 'Yes it's been an um' interesting week'. I responded.

'Well are you coming for tea? Jack and I want to hear all about it'. She smiled. I glanced at the time on the TV, 12pm.

'I'll come around now and hang around for a bit, I've missed you. I'm on half a day in work'. I half lied.

'Okay Han I'll see you in a minute'. She didn't catch on to my lie.

I ended the call and jogged upstairs. I threw a pair of ripped skinny jeans on and a nude crop top. I put white nike air max's on my feet and ran back down the stairs, out the front door.

My Mum still lived in my childhood home which was a ten minute drive away. I felt giddy and excited to see her. I loved her dearly and didn't realise how much I had missed her.

When I pulled up on her drive she opened the door, her smile wide. She dressed in her white fluffy dressing gown, I grinned at her and jumped out of the car. I embraced her tightly, both of us swaying on the spot.

'I missed you loads Chicken'. She said cutely.

'Missed you too bitch face'. I smirked.

'Do you want a cuppa?' She asked turning to face me.
I nodded at her.

The house was a five bedroom detached in a small village about fifteen minutes from town. Jack was a builder by trade so they had made it very spacious and modern but with a cottagey edge. It was lovely, they both worked extremely hard for it. I was so proud and felt so at home, maybe even more so than my own house.

We sat down with our cups of teas and gossiped about her holiday. Jack was still in bed so I had her to myself, which I loved.

'Have you heard from Liam?' Her question caught me off guard. I sighed. I knew she still had contact with him, but I didn't ask about it anymore, she was like a mother to him. I also knew she was secretly rooting for us to get back together.

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