10. An Oracle Statue

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Clarisse and Drew began to slowly walk towards the book case. They looked behind it and... it was Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the Oracle. She was sitting on a rickety looking wooden stood, stiff, with her hands on her lap.

But the weirdest thing of all was her eyes. They were now completely green, Iris, pupil, and whites. But that wasn't the weirdest part. The weirdest part was they were glowing, so bright they were like flashlights.

"Rachel!" Drew said, relieved to see the redhead.

Rachel didn't say anything, she didn't even move. She was like a stone statue, unmoving with an emotionless expression on her face.

"Um, Rachel?" Drew said her name again, waving her hand in front of Rachel's face. Rachel didn't even blink.

Drew took a step backwards, a bit frightened. She turned to Clarisse who looked more weirded out then scared. "What happened to her?" Drew said.

"How would I know?" Clarisse said. "Besides the fact that Piper obviously did it."

"Charmspeak?" Drew said.

"Can charmspeak do whatever that is to Rachel?" Clarisse said.

"I'm honestly not sure. Piper's charmspeak is much more powerful then mine," Drew admit sadly.

"Weird," Clarisse said quietly.

"Maybe it's like some magical Oracle coma or something," Drew said.

"Okay, how do we snap her out of a coma?" Clarisse said.

"I'm pretty sure you can't," Drew said, "They have to wake up on their own, I believe."

"But this is a 'magical coma,' right? At least we think so. Maybe there's different rules to it then just a regular coma. So maybe to snap her out of the magical coma we have to do something magical," Clarisse said, thinking out loud.

"Charmspeak," Drew said, catching on. "Let's hope this works."

"It better," Clarisse said in a warning tone.

Drew laughed nervously. "Right..." She said. She took a deep breath, then began. "Rachel, wake up."

Rachel's face and hand twitched, but her eyes continued to glow. Drew took a deep breath, then used the most powerful charmspeak command she had ever done in her life. "Rachel, WAKE UP."

Rachel gasped, jolting up, her eyes turning to a regular, non glowing, color. Soon after though, she fell off the stool and landed on her face on the ground, groaning. Instead of seeing if she was okay though, Drew grinned and jumped up and down excitedly. "I did it! I actually did it!" Drew said.

"It was my plan," Clarisse crossed her arms.

"And my power!" Drew said. "OMG, I literally can't believe it! I can do anything!"

"Uh, let's not get ahead of ourselves, Tanaka," Clarisse said, placing her hand on Drew's shoulder to keep her from jumping up and down.

"Uh, a little help down here?" Rachel said from the ground.

"Oh," Clarisse said, grabbing Rachel's arm and pulling her to her feet.

Rachel winced though, gently touching her head. "Gods, my head is throbbing with pain," She said, "And I don't think it's just because I landed on my face when I fell. Uh... what happened?"

"It's a really long story," Drew sighed, "But basically you were put in some magic coma by Piper... we think."

"Piper?" Rachel said, confused. "But isn't she one of the good guys?"

"That's what we thought too," Clarisse said, "I'm guessing more then we think is going on here."

"Obviously," Rachel said. "Um, why did you wake me up? Like, specifically me?"

"Well, if we want to cause Piper's downfall, we need a prophecy," Drew said.

"Well I don't think you need one, but it'll help! And I'm always happy to help," Rachel said cheerfully.

"That's great," Clarisse said, though she didn't sound too thrilled, "Now can we get out of here?"

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