Chapter thirty-three

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Alessio wraps his arms around be and gives me a small kiss on my cheek. 'How could I every live without you' he says softly.
I smile. Then my phone vibrates.

Hello? Who is this?
Elena! Where is my brother! He's not picking up his phone!
Gabriel!? Where are you? Is my son okay?
Elena, I'm sorry.
For what!? Don't tell me..
No Kamiel is fine but we got attacked at our house. Some guys came around and started shooting, our mom.. she died. Alfred is shot once and the rest of us are save.
Shit shit shit, we're coming! Where are you?
No Elena, you can't come. You have to keep Alessio save. We'll handle this.
GABRIEL DONATELLI I want my son right now so your going to tell the fuck where you are!
Okay okay we're at the corner of the coffee shop close to our house. Be there in 10.

I can't believe I forgot that they were at the house, I'm so sorry for what I didn't to my little boy.
'Elena, what's going on?' Alessio asks worried. I sigh and put on some normal clothes. 'We need to go, we don't have much time'
Alessio grabs my hand and looks at me. 'Whatever happens, I'm there for you and Kamiel. And I love you so much' he says while giving me a kiss.

We both drove towards the coffee shop to meet Gabriel and the rest. 'Gabe' I yell. They come around the corner.
'Mommmy!' My son yells. I give him the biggest hug in the world. 'I thought I lost you baby'
'Mommy, grandma is dead and Alfred is hurt. I'm scared'
I give him a kiss on his forehead and smile with tears in my eyes. 'You don't have to be scared, it will be over as soon as possible'
Gabriel is talking to his brother while I'm with the others, 'are you okay?' I ask Alfred, Luca and Mariah. They all nod. 'Yes, thank you for asking. It all so..'
I sigh. 'I know'
Then Gabriel calls me to come over.

'What's wrong?' I ask them. Both of them are afraid, I know that because I see it in their eyes.
'Elena, this situation we're in. We need to find mother with the plane, and we can't bring you in danger this time' Gabriel says kind of worried and very stressed. I look at them kind of lost in the situation, this whole thing is so confusing right now. 'Wait what do you mean... I get that you need to find your mother and I get that this is dangerous but-..'
'You can't come with us Bambi, you need to stay with Kamiel, I don't want you to die. I want you to have the life you deserve and at this point I got to make things right. I've done some things in the past that need to be fixed and if I don't do it now everything will be gone. Us.. our child.. our whole family' Alessio says who holds my hands. I shake my head.

'No! Your not going to tell me that i can't come with you Alessio! Your not on your own with this, your brother needs you, I need you. We all do Alessio, and I don't want you to die so I'm coming with you weather you like it or not. I have Andrea and Carlos who can take care of our child, they are my most trusted people in the world! I am not risking to lose you again!' I say stubborn.

Alessio's pov

This woman is braver then I thought, she is so stubborn but I can't lose her. I can't let her come with us risking her life. I look at Alfred and he looks at me. He grabs her hands and takes her away.
'Alessio!' She yells. A small tear falls down my cheek. The emotions are too strong right now, I need to keep them for Battle. Then my son comes towards us.
'Daddy, I want you to know that you are the bravest superhero I've ever met!' He says with the sweetest smile. This boy doesn't even know me for long but I already know we're going to have a good time together. He's perfect.
I give him a little kiss on his forehead and take a last look at Elena. She's fighting Alfred trying to escape. Gabriel grabs my hand and we run towards the car.

'Come on brother, i know you love Elena and your kind, I love them too but we need to focus. We need to find Anna's father. And I know where to go!' Gabriel says while driving to the personal airport. After some time we jump in the jet straight to Mexico.
The Mexican maffia, also one of the biggest people in the world. His name is Miguel Gonzalez. He's the father of Anna, it all happened 15 years ago, my father and Miguel were such great friends. Anna and I grew up together, We always saw each other as friends and nothing more, at least I thought it was. Anna had strong feelings for me so her father and my father said we needed to marry. 1 year later we did, I felt forced to marry her but at least she was happy. But then, she stated to talk about babies. I was so young that I said no, I ran off. I didn't want to have kids then, I was still a baby and totally not ready to be a father. My father was furious about me and realized I shouldn't have people close to me so he stopped being friends with Miguel. Miguel was so mad. Now ever since the Gonzalez and Donatelli families are enemies. I really hurt Anna and her father so they are after us now. I don't know why it took them so long but I kind of get it. I just need them to convince them I'm not the old person anymore.

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