Chapter twenty one

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Smut warning!

Alessio waits a second before he's doing his thing. The excitement runs trough my blood. This will be my first time in the shower with Alessio. The first time without someone who pushes me to do this. I'm kind of scared..
'You don't have to be afraid Bambi' Alessio says to comfort me. He reads my mind. I sigh. 'Baby just do it'
Alessio starts to pump inside me. It's hurts a little but then I feel calm and save. I moan harder and harder while he's still holding my hands. Every thought goes trough my head, the thought that he's almost 8 years older then me, the thought he kidnapped me, the thought he kind of stole me from my father.. all these thoughts are killing me in some way. But I enjoy being with him, even tho we don't see each other every day. He still has a special place in my heart. I trust him, he told me every secret, every little thing I needed to know.

Alessio's pov

This girl gave me this gift with full trust, I can give her everything she wants. She can date every man she wants but she still chose me. The man who kidnapped her, the man who's parents are a little crazy, the fucking man who kept her away from her father. How can I ever forgive myself for doing this. I understand if she leaves me, I mean I'm a monster. But still.. she still stays with me and I don't understand why. She has these happy thoughts and sees good in many people. I'm afraid to open up to her because that will lead her away. I'm afraid that she won't trust me anymore and she will regret everything we did together. I'm afraid that I will lose her just like I lost my life. She is the only thing that's keeping me alive, the only thing that stopped me hooking up with girls and then leaving them. How can I ever thank her for that.

After minutes of making love to her I stop with regret. She doesn't deserve me. She looks at me with those innocent eyes, I see her makeup is all gone cause of the water. She has such a beautiful face. I back up a little and look her in her eyes.
'I think it's time to sleep' I say to her. With pain in my heart I leave the shower and get dressed.

Elena's pov

Did I do something wrong? Wasn't I good enough? Why did he just leave? I'm shocked and scared at the same time. This man is full of secrets and locks I can't open. Every door inside of him is locked, it takes time to know everything about him because he isn't open. His doors are closed and you can't come in. I don't understand why he's so afraid to speak up, or tell me something about his life. I mean it isn't that hard, he can trust me but still he's so.. lonely and on his own. I get out of the shower to look for him but he's gone. I don't know how he does that every time. If Luca was here we could talk about it but he's not here. I'm all alone in this house.

Alessio's pov

I went to the bar close to our house. Why am I such a coward? Leaving Elena all alone without even saying goodbye. Ugh I'm so stupid. This bar was my everything back in the years, every year I went on vacation here and when I was 21 I went here for the first time. Now it's a addiction.
I sit down at the bar and wait for the bartender to come towards me.
'Good evening sir-.. holy moly it's Alessio Donatelli' the bartender says. 'How have you been?'
The bartender and I have been friends without my father knowing it. His name is Christopher. He's a great guy, for sure.
'Hey Chris. I'm fine.. just 6 shots of tequila'
Chris gives me my 6 shots and leans against the bar. 'Rough day?' He asks concerned.
I sigh and roll my eyes. 'I fucked up some shit with a girl'
'Omg no! Did you get someone pregnant?! I told you to stop screwing around. One day you get one girl pregnant and then your a father!'
'No.. I just screwed up with a relationship. Well relationship.. we're not together. I just fucked up really bad. We were doing.. you know.. and I left her alone without saying goodbye' I say while drinking one shot. The pure alcohol burns in my throat but if feels good. I cough a little and try to focus on Chris again.
'Oh hell no dude, you can't just leave a poor girl all alone after you had sex with her! That's nasty. But does she mean something to you? And omg I want to know who she is and what she looks like. I'm going to stalk that bitch on every social platform she has!' Chris says excited. I shake my head and take another shot.
'Your unbelievable you know'
Chris laughs and serves someone else. 'You know boy, you should just do your thing. Just tell me something about her. You know. What does she look like?' Chris asks interested.
I sigh, 'she has these beautiful blue eyes, if she looks in the sun you can see them turn lighter and when it's dark they're still the same, they sparkle every time she laughs and smiles. She has these freckles, they make her even more beautiful then she already is. Her hair is long and pretty dark brown, almost black. Oh and she smells like roses, every man can fall in love with her..'
Chris almost melts. 'If I wasn't gay I would have fallen for this girl too. Wait you in love with this girl aren't ya?' He asks.
'What! Uhm.. no.. I mean..'
'Oh come on, just say it dummy. You like her but your too afraid to tell because of your little secrets!? Am I right?'

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