Chapter Two- Happy Birthday!

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Updates will be slow, since I'm kind of trying to get caught up on schoolwork (notice the word "trying")

January 31, 2016. 7:18

Star City


Hello, Ember.

The tree. The tree is burning again.

I look up into its branches, and sure enough, Connor is there. He smiles at me, waving like the energetic eight-year-old he was. I briefly ponder what he looks like now as I desperately attempt to spring into action.

He needs me, he needs me!

But I can't move.

"Connor!" I scream, reaching for him.

He only waves before he and they tree disappear in a shower of ash.

Look at what you've done, Willow.

It's Pyro.

She's back.


"Willow, Willow, Willow, wake up!" A childish voice bouncing on my bed served as my daily alarm. I quickly found a pillow and threw it at my adoptive sister. The five-year-old Olivia Queen squealed and jumped off my bed, "She's awake mommy! Can we have pancakes now?"

I still lived with Oliver and Dinah and their little girl after five years. It was on of the few places that still felt like home.

Even with the smell of Dinah's pancakes wafting under my door, I yearned to go back to sleep. The nightmare didn't do anything to help me rest, and all I wanted to do was sleep for another two hours.

That is, until I remembered the party the team was throwing for me today.

Everyone would be there, even Wally and Artemis! I couldn't wait to see them, and even though it sounded greedy, I couldn't wait to see what I was getting.

I thought about my past as I got dressed. I was born on December 31, 1996. I had an older brother who was my hero, a mother who was the bravest woman I ever knew, and a father who sacrificed everything for me.

I quickly dressed in my usual outfit; lavender tank top, jeans, cream-colored boots and crop jacket, and a purse for knick-knacks and other necessities; and hurried downstairs.

"Well, it took you long enough," Dinah grinned, flipping pancakes on the griddle.

I only took one, I definitely wanted to save room for the cake and other goodies M'gann and Emma would provide for the party.

"Wait! Don't you want to open your presents?" Ollie yelled as I tried to leave.

"I'll get them later!" I yelled over my shoulder, grabbing my keys and heading out for my purple bug in the garage, right between Oliver's emerald green jaguar and Dinah's navy blue sports car.

The bug was a "sweet seventeen" gift from Ollie and Dinah, as my sixteenth birthday came on a bit sudden, and they were a bit preoccupied.

I drove to the "Arrow-Cave" as Ollie calls it, and zeta'd to Mount Justice, praying that no one would jump out and "surprise" me.

Fortunately, Nightingale and her Bat-crew were the only ones there aside from those who normally lived at the cave, and they were all still setting up for the party.

I found Connor sitting with Wolf on the couch, trying to ignore La'gaan and M'gann's smooching while they make the cake. Ew. Seriously, they've only been together for about four weeks and they take practically every opportunity to make out.

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