Chapter Fifty-Two- Terrors In The Night

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I have started a book of "Fire And Lightning" One-shots, called "Our Team", if anyone is interested. And @EternallyNevermore, it has the origins of the other OCs too!

August 11, 2016. 03:01
Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

Cold. It was cold. That's the first part I remember.

Where am I? What happened? Why does my head hurt? How did I get so wet?

Asking questions out loud would have been the best way to get answers, but I was afraid who would answer me.

I moaned quietly, blinking my eyes. Good, I still had my mask on. Bruce had designed all our masks to recognize our specific touch, and they would electrocute anyone else who tried to take them off. But you still, you never know what could happen.

I tried to keep calm, keeping my breathing regular and steady. I couldn't move my hands, my feet, or my wings, and there was a rough, metal object around my neck. I had an inhibitor collar on and I was tied up. Sitting in a chair, I think.

Oh, come on, Emma! You can think better than that!

At least I wasn't drowning anymore. And I was still alive. Yeah, let's focus on that.

But for how long? One of the voices taunted.

"Shut up!" I snapped through gritted teeth.

"Rise and shine, little birdie!" A klaxon-like voice pierced my ears.

Oh no. Not him.

"I think she's awake, Blackie!" The voice screeched again.

I kept my head down and my eyes on my lap. Don't move. Don't look up. Don't give them satisfaction.

"Never call me that again." A robotic voice warned his companion.

I couldn't help it, I gasped. It was so small I never would have guessed that they would have heard it. But an armored hand reached out and grabbed my chin, jerking it up so that I faced the red-eyed helmet of Black Manta.

And who stood behind him? None other than The Joker. Wearing the same ugly purple pin-striped suit he had the morning that the team and I stopped his robbery. He still wore that same creepy grin, and his beloved crowbar was at his side once more. I knew the police chief that picked him up looked a little suspicious.

I fought back to keep from screaming. Even if I had tried to scream, Manta's grip forced my mouth shut.

"Pay attention." Manta growled at me, shaking my head. "If this were my decision you would be long gone by now, but the Light still needs you alive, regretfully. Or more accurately," he jabbed his forefinger at my forehead, "We need what's in your head."

What did they want? Watchtower codes? The secret IDs of all the League? Each possible answer was more frightening than the last.

"You really are stupid, aren't you, weakling."


Oh crud.

So that's why they needed Joker.

"Guys, if you're coming for me, you'd better get here soon." I thought.
Joker looked at me greedily, slapping his crowbar, bandaged in the part where I shocked it, in the palm of his hand.

"And Willow, if you're out there, I need you. I need your help."


"I can't believe she's gone." Aqualad whispers.

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