Chapter Twenty-Seven- Captured

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March 24, 2016. 03:17
Atlantic Ocean

More. There were more of them.

She's been there for weeks. Both of them have.

There's nothing to do. Except when the aliens torture them.

She knows that they're torturing the others. She has heard them talking. She has seen the pictures on the displays, filtered through the red viewport on her containment pod.

They are giving the others powers.

Now, she doesn't understand why they need her. She already has powers. That's why her parents hate her. That's why they gave her to these monsters. They are scared of her, what she has the power to do.

So they gave her to someone who could control her.

It's the same with her blonde friend. Her friend was to be made into a hero, a warrior, a protector of her people. But she can't control the powers that she has been given.

That is why they are there.

There is only the two of them in this room, but Tammy has seen the others. Four more teens, at least, were captured with her. Powerless teens, brought to their own room to be experimented upon. Tammy and her friend have their own room, they already have powers.

But now, a third girl joins them.

The red alien soldiers place the new girl's pod next to Tammy's and leave. Tammy has pretended to be asleep, as not to attract their attention. She made the mistake of being awake once. When you are awake, they test you.

The new girl is different, a hero Tammy recognizes faintly. She wears a black-and-white mask, but she is asleep. No awake person could stay that still.

Tammy shakes her pod as best as she can to wake up her friend, who is actually asleep.

"Wait, wha-?"

"We have company." Tammy says. Both of them are nearly shouting, but their yells are muffled by their pod walls. But Tammy's friend can clearly see the newcomer on her own.

"I know her!" Tammy's friend says.

And that's when the newcomer cries out in pain.


The dream, it's the dream again.

"Pathetic excuse."

"Look at what you've done, weakling! You've gotten yourself captured!"

These can't be my self-doubts, can they? All my life I've seen others do the impossible, so why can't I? I don't doubt the impossible, even myself doing the impossible seems possible. I mean, HELLO EMMA! You have dragon wings!

The most impossible thing I've done in my life is get these powers. I thought I wouldn't be able to control them, but with Willow's help, and the help of our friends, I felt right at home in my new identity.

I became a hero to bring justice to the man who killed my parents. Not to prove myself to anyone.

I've never let any fashion magazine or Hollywood blockbuster decide who I'll be. I chose to be a hero. I chose to help other people rather than help myself. I chose not to care what others think of me.

So who is saying these things!?

"You'll never amount to anything!" One of the voices hisses.

"Well now, that's not cliche!" I snapped back.

That seemed to quiet their accusations, but only for a moment. Then they've regained their confidence, and their back at it again.

"You think you can ever be loved?"

"Your brother doesn't trust you."

"You left your brother to die."

"You broke your promise."

"Your mentor never liked you."

"The man you loved left you."

Okay, that's it. I may not care what people think of me, but I can get sensitive about certain things. And Kaldur was at the top of my "certain things" list.

I turned towards the voices, letting my anger fuel me.

I had just lit up my fist with electricity, and I was about to blast the owners of the dark voices.

I stopped.

I knew them.


I woke up with an immense burning sensation in the back of my head. I knew that I'd been dreaming, but I couldn't remember what I'd dreamed about. I knew it was important, but I just had to hope that It would come back to me later.

I quickly forgot about my mysterious dream as my memory of the past hours flooded over me.

Kaldur. Icicle. The kids. The mountain. The bomb...

"Richard!" I screamed suddenly.

"Um...who's Richard?"

I looked around, still a little disoriented. I was trapped in a pod, I remembered that I and the others who had been captured were forced in these. That's the last thing I remember. I must have been knocked out after that.

I placed my hand on the red filter of my pod, and saw two girls also trapped in similar pods.

"Where am I? Where are my friends?" I asked them.

The two looked at each other. One had darker hair that was tinted slightly purple through the the filter on her pod, so she must have dyed it purple. Her companion had orange-ish hair, so she must originally been blonde.

The girl with the blue hair spoke up. "They might be with the others..."

"Others? What others?" I asked.

"The other test subjects." The blonde girl said. "When we were captured, there were a few other kids, at least four of them, who were shipped here with us."

"And where is here?" I asked. My voice echoed in my small pod.

"An alien lab of some sort. They come, they hurt us, they go." Blue girl explained vaguely.

Aliens. Then...then this is the Light's New partner! Ha! They brought us right to their base!

"If you're asleep they don't hurt you as much." Blondie added. "The results aren't as good." The two girls grinned wickedly.

I gave them a lopsided smile in return. "But why are they experimenting on you?"

Blondie looked straight into my eyes, all joking gone. "To test our powers."

"The others we came with didn't have powers. They're in another room." Blue girl jerked her head towards the door.

That didn't tell me where Beast Girl, Beast Boy, Blur, Impulse, and Brass and Blue Beetle were, though.

" friends...they've already got superpowers. Why aren't they in here too?" I asked, more to myself than to the other girls.

Blue girl shrugged, but Blondie got excited. "There are more people with you?" She asked, "More superheroes? Are you on a team, or something?"

I smiled gently at her and nodded. "Yes. I'm Nightingale."

"I know that!" Blondie said, still over-the-top excited. "This is my friend, Tammy Agua, and my name's Terra Markov!"

Yes, this is short. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. Life has been crazy.

Sparks Fly [Book Two in the "Fire And Lighting" Series]Where stories live. Discover now