Chapter Nineteen- To Absent Friends

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Well look who's been bad at updating :3
Please accept my condolences by enjoying this picture of Blur, Brass Beetle, Finch, and Beast Girl ^_^
Sowwy, but my brain is being overrun with facts and figures and formulas as I get ready for finals, and life in general is pretty demanding at the moment, so my brain is losing creative juice. If anyone has any GOOD, CLEAN songs or GOOD, CLEAN stories (on Wattpad or actual printed books/graphic novels) to recommend, please do. Those sorts of things give me inspiration.
I love you all! -Lizard

March 21, 2016. 17:38
Mount Justice

There was barely a chance to mourn.

Raquel was having her bridal shower today, and I would give anything to miss it, but Barbra and Mara had coerced me into going.

Come on, you know I can't resist Finch's puppy eyes!

My only condolence was that Willow was coming too.

At the moment, I stood in the mission room with Nightwing, Mal, Superboy, and Wildfire. We needed to get our hands on all the intel we could before Aqualad's trail went could.

"Aquaman says he and all of Atlantis are, quote, "Searching the seven seas," for La'gaan and Black Manta's troops." Mal reported.

"But that's just one fish in a lot of water." I nodded as the five of us looked to the slowly rotating holographic image of the globe.

"The traitor," Mal growled through clenched teeth, "I want his head on a silver platter for what he did to Artemis!"

"Yeah? Well get in line!" I snapped.

I looked at Willow next, thinking that the next cutting remark about how she had called him first would be from her mouth. But to my surprise, she was only staring at the floor.

Connor noticed it too. "Hey," He nudged her gently, "Are you okay?"

Willow gave a jolt, as if she had suddenly been awakened. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

Mal looked at me. Willow was my best friend, wouldn't I know what's wrong with her?

I shrugged. None of us had been quite right since Artemis died, so I let it slide.

"Hey, where'd Nightwing go?" Connor asked.

I looked around and noticed the silence in addition to the absence of my ninja brother. "Where's the team?" I added. With two speedsters, a fangirl, and two preteen girls, it was seldom this quiet in the mountain.

Mal sighed, "Well, the other girls are hitting the showers, and the rest...they're down in the grotto."

We all looked down at the floor. The grotto. With...them.

Willow's cell phone began to buzz, and she blushed an apology before checking the message.

"Oh, Emma!" She gasped, "We have to be at Raquel's bridal shower in an hour!"

I pulled a "Hello Megan!" And mentally went over my checklist.

"We'll need to go home and change," I said, already heading for the zeta-tubes.

"Are you two sure you'll be alright there?" Connor asked us cautiously. "I mean, it is Raquel."

"Well be fine," I said hurriedly. Raquel had gone out of her way to invite me and Wilow, who didn't exactly like her in the first place. I had told myself over and over that I was going, no ifs, ands, or buts. And I didn't plan on backing out now.

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