Chapter Three- Getting "Wet"

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January 3, 2016. 17:08

"Recognize: Zatanna, 25. Rocket, 26."

Three days after the "Willow and Superboy are together" incident, Nightwing, Wildfire, Superboy, Miss Martian and I were at the Watchtower to discuss the attack on the UN on New Year's Day. Green Lantern John Stewart  seemed to know a lot about the guys involved.

"The big guy's Lobo. He's an intergalactic bounty hunter. Extremely dangerous, but not likely to return. The little guy's another story. That's a krolotean, and kroloteans always travel in packs," He stated grimly.

"Meaning more of them are on earth," Batman deduced. Nightwing and I nodded, and Martian Manhunter stepped forward.

"I believe my friend may have vital information on that point. many of you have not met doctor Adam Strange of STAR labs Ardel initiative," Willow's science mentor stepped forward and gave us a small wave, and Willow waved back, "He is the scientist responsible for maintaining the zeta-beam technology we use for teleportation."

"I was wondering why a stranger was allowed on the top secret Watchtower," Connor grumbled over a link with Zatanna, Rocket, and the other senior team members. Willow elbowed her new boyfriend gently and he looked at her apologetically.

Manhunter continued, "And he has a story to tell"

"It's a bit involved..." Strange looked around, "Wish I had visual aids or something,"he admitted.

"I can assist you," I felt the familiar presence in my mind as Manhunter set up a mindlink. Strange was certainly new to the experience, and winced and held his head before Manhunter's spoke, "We are all linked, Adam. What you remember, we will see."

"Um...great?" Strange said uncertainly. He then proceeded to tell us about how he was accidentally teleported to a planet called Raan. He met a scientist there, named Sardath, who had been robbed of some of his zeta-technology that he was experimenting with.

"It's the krolotean M.O!" GL declared, "Their entire culture revolves around stolen tech!" They'd be perfect for it

Strange continued, "Sardath detected transmissions between a single location on Raan, and multiple locations on earth. He gave me this," He pulled out a triangular-shaped object that unfolded itself like one of those hologram projectors from Star Wars, "It detects trace zeta radiation, and can pinpoint all the locations where kroloteans  have beamed to earth." Um, where can I get one of those? What? I'm a Bat-kid. Technology is my territory.

"Then I'm ordering a two-pronged attack," Captain Atom declared, "We'll stage simultaneous attacks on every spot where the kroloteans have beamed, while a contingent of Leaguers travels to Raan with Strange, here, to cut the kroloteans off at the source.

Strange shuffled uncomfortably, "We may have a problem with that. Totally unclear on the why, but earthlings are persona non grada in Raan's corner of the galaxy. And these six leaguers are wanted criminals."

The same six leaguers I'd been so focused on for five years appeared in place of the golden globe that had been there a moment ago. "Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, and...Hawkwoman. Shayera had been training me to use my wings for the past five years, and we had grown undeniably close.

Wait a minute, wanted criminals? Sixteen hours? Batman and GL having no idea what they did to become those "wanted criminals"? Oh my gosh it all fits!

"Batman! It's the missing sixteen hours!" Nightwing and I exclaimed at once.

"Agreed," Bruce said, clarity in his voice, "Five years ago, Vandal Savage took complete mental control of the entire league. These six Leaguers went missing for sixteen hours," He explained to Strange. I looked at my friends, who were all beginning to understand too.

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