Chapter Ten- First Date

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Thank you everyone for all the votes, comments, and to all the new followers which I regrettably have not met yet!

NOTICE: I will be making some changes, such as deleting a few stories and heavily editing others. I appreciate your continued patience :)


Don't do it.

Scar, I've dreamed of this for almost five years.

Yes, do it. The only reason Pyro is agreeing with me is because it causes Scarlett pain. She's still stuck on the other Connor. We're no closer to finding him than we were five years ago, sadly. Besides, I don't remember him the way she does. My memories of those times are still coming back.

Very. Slowly.

February 14, 2016. 15:46

Star City


"Em, I really don't see what the big deal is."

She gave me a strange look, "It's your first date. You need to look fabulous!" She squealed. Then once more she began to sort through my closet, throwing all the clothes I possessed onto my bed.

Finally, Emma turned to face me, "Well, it's a good thing purple is your best color," she stated at last, gesturing to the pile of clothes that was mostly lavender, white and gray. There was also an assortment of other colors, but they did not compare to the mound of purple that covered them.

"I like purple..." I muttered, rubbing my glasses with a cloth to clean them off so that Emma could plainly see my lavender eyes, which I believed was the only thing that was pretty about me, and even they had been marred by scars.

Emma nodded, sorting my clothes into possible outfits. Some things, like pants, she threw out instantly. Connor was taking me to the Wayne Valentine's Day Charity Ball, or as Emma and her siblings called it, the WVDCB. Pants would in no way be appropriate. There was the dress Emma had given me for my birthday. I wasn't sure if it was quite formal enough, but it was one of my favorites.

I carefully hung the dress up in the closet when Emma announced that none of my clothes "would simply do."

"There's only one option left," She said quietly.

"Oh no," I gasped, knowing full well what was coming.

"It's time for a shopping trip!" Emma squealed, grabbing my wrist like a vice before I could protest.

"We're going shopping!" Emma called to Oliver and Dinah, who were giving Connor a very thorough talking-to about how he would treat me on our date.

Emma and I got into her maserati and we zoomed out the door.

I turned on the music and was instantly hit with Taylor Swift's 1989 album. Of course, what else should I have expected?

Despite my despising of shopping trips, Emma's excitement was contagious. We started singing along with "Shake It Off" at the top of our lungs, and crooning along with every lyric we had memorized.

"You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye, and I got that red-lip classic thing that you like, and when we go crashing down we come back every time! 'Cause we're never goin' out of style, we never go out of style!" We screamed as we pulled into the mall parking lot.

We quickly found a store that would suit our dressing needs (and had courteous clerks that didn't criticize your appearance). Emma was encouraged to get a sea-green dress that matched her eye color, but she was adamant about getting a red dress covered in a rose pattern with mid-length sleeves. Red is her favorite color. I, of course, chose a beautiful lavender-colored dress with silver sequins lining the collar.

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