Chapter Forty- Return

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June 13, 2016. 17:56

Blur sped into the warehouse, unusually early. Grandpa Barry had been teaching her and Bart to be late for everything, to throw off suspicion that they were speedsters.

But today is a big day, and Bridget is too excited to be late. Today is the day she's been training for, the whole reason she and her brother came back to the past.

Today, they'll stop Blue Beetle, and in turn, stop the Reach.

She grabs a bag of peanut M&M's from her backpack and begins to eat (blame Finch for getting her addicted). She was so excited, she even came here straight from school. Bart wanted to go back to the Garricks to do a bit of homework.

As she munches, she hears a sound. She stops chewing, and looks around. She hears it again, coming from under the stairs.

She pulls aside the curtain to find Sarah, still wearing the same clothes she wore yesterday, curled up in a tight ball as she sobs.

"Oh my gosh, Rar!" Jaime made the mistake of using her nickname once, and now it's begun to stick among the younger team members. Blur grabs the girl in a hug, forgetting their rivalry, forgetting why she hates the nerdy girl.

Sarah offers no resistance, just lets Bridget hug her. "I miss him." She mumbles.

"I do too." Bridget whispers. "He was so nice to me when I first came here. He helped me find a place on the team, and I thought...I thought..." She trails off, shaking her head. "And then you came along, perfect and smart and pretty. How could I compete with you?"

Sarah looks up at Bridget, aghast. " have a crush on Jaime?"

Nervously, Bridget nods.

It's silent between the two girls, the only noise coming from Rachel and Garfield's video game in the loft above.

Suddenly, Sarah giggles. Surprised, Bridget does to.

"Honestly," Sarah wipes away her tears, "That's a pretty legit reason to hate my guts."

"Actually, it was pretty stupid. I barely knew you, and you were already my mortal enemy." Bridget sits up, legs crossed. "But, eh, I'm over him now. He's too gullible."

"On to Arsenal now, huh?" Sarah teases.

Bridget blushes. "Maybe."

Unexpectedly, Sarah brings Bridget in for a hug.

"Thanks, Bri."

Bridget relaxes, and hugs her new friend.

The future is looking pretty crash.


"From the intel we have received from Aqualad-" I glared at Richard John Grayson, who had the nerve to look innocent, "-Reach technology is vulnerable to Earth mystics and magics. With the runes that Batgirl, Bumblebee, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl, Beast Girl, and Finch discovered at the Bialyan temple last February, we might be able to 'cleanse' Blue and Green Beetle from Reach Control."

I gave Sarah a concerned look, and she nodded, though a little red-faced from crying. Bart and Bridget moved closer to provide comfort to their Beetle friend. The two girls seemed to be getting on a lot better since we found out that Jaime was under Reach control.

"Brass Beetle, Impulse, Blur, and Batgirl: You are Alpha. Take Sphere with you to El Paso, where you'll meet up with Beta squad," I smiled at the two Leaguers in the room. Rocket and Zatanna had agreed to team up for this mission, as their unique talents might come in handy.

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