Chapter Eleven- Memories

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Recognize; Nightingale, B00. Nightwing, B01."

The team looks up in confusion as Richard and I step through the tubes.

"Uh, who are the noobs, and why are they replacing Dra and Rob?" Wally asks Black Canary, who is getting ready for a training session.

Willow slaps him upside the head and walks over nonchalantly, "Hey Em. love the new suit!" She says, referring to my new uniform, which nearly matches that of my brothers.

The team is surprised at our sudden change, but Megan is quickly able to check that we are indeed their friends.

"What's with the new uniforms and codenames?" Connor asks, his big beefy arms crossed over his chest.

Richard, now Nightwing, simply walked over to the computer and typed something in.

"Recognize; Robin, B14."

Barbra smiles in realization as a young, raven-haired boy appears in front of the zeta-tubes. He looks around silently, but the past few weeks have taught me that he is most definitely glaring at everyone behind the mask, as if daring them to challenge him.

"Team, meet Robin," Richard put a hand on Jason Todd's shoulder and smiled at him in a brotherly way. I think he really needed a younger sibling, someone to look after and be protective of. And now, he's not the youngest member on the team anymore, too.

"Robin," I gesture to my gathered friends, "Meet the team."

February 20, 2016. 10:35

Gotham City


I saved the document to my computer and opened up my email. After months of research, editing, rewriting, interviews, and several gallons of chocolate frozen yogurt with strawberries, I had finished my masterpiece.

After being dumped into the "Style" section of Gotham Gazette based off of the stereotype that since I was a rich girl, I was a fashion snob, I was ready to prove my true worth.

I had carefully compiled a series of evidence and personal stories talking about the Justice League and everything they stood for. I was quite easily able to get interviews with Clark, Shayera, the Lanterns, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Dinah, Green Arrow, and even a couple lines from Bruce to put in my article. Being a hero was a big part of my life, and with all the bad press that the League was receiving from G. Gordon Godfrey (whom Richard and Barbra were currently trying to prove was on Lex Luthor's payroll) we were more than ready to get our good side out there.

I attached the document to an email and sent it to my boss. Feeling a sense of relief and satisfaction after being so overwhelmed for the past four months, I allowed myself to lean back, relax, and enjoy the sun as a nipsy february breeze blew past. I pulled up the collar of my jacket for warmth and took a sip of hot chocolate, allowing myself to be momentarily pulled into the past as I remembered my mornings at Mount Justice, spent with Willow, Wolf, and Justice, just hanging around and drinking hot chocolate or tea, whatever we felt like, while waiting for the others to wake up. It's a fond memory, one of the better ones I've had in the past five years.

Out of pure nostalgia, I find myself skimming through the photos on my computer. There's the "original Eight"; me, Richard, Willow, Artemis, Wally, Megan, Connor, and Kaldur, just a team photo; Me, Artemis and Barbra getting ice cream; A few pictures downloaded off the internet from when Bruce adopted me, Richard, Jason, Tim, and Mara; Jason, Tim, and Mara's first days on the job in their new uniforms; me and Willow training; me and Willow getting ice cream; Willow's soccer picture and Megan's cheer photos; Me, Wally, and Richard teaching Willow how to play video games; Willow with Roy; Me, Wally, and Richard after we first met; Bruce being grumpy Bruce; the list goes on and on.

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