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August 29, 2016. 08:29

I checked out of the Watchtower medbay and into the hospital. They almost checked me out in advance because of the traffic that the paparazzi caused, trying to get a picture of me.

Bruce had told them I was kidnapped by the Joker, who had escaped Arkham Asylum, but had been rescued by the local hero Nightingale. Biggest story of the year for any gossip magazine right there.

I didn't care too much. When your dad is billionaire-playboy Bruce Wayne, you get used to it.

I was checked out of the hospital as soon as possible, for which I was grateful. The first thing I did was don a disguise and go visit the music school.

It was still empty, halfway to being remodeled. I remembered how late Willow and I had stayed up planning this whole thing. Mirrors on one wall, windows on the other. A beautiful, bright skylight on the ceiling.

The mirrors were the only thing that were up. The lights hadn't been installed yet, and there were still crates filled with wood pieces that would become the floor.

I sat down on a crate in the middle of the room and looked at myself in the mirror. For an instant, a picture of Willow flashed over my reflection.

"She left you."

I reared my fist back, about to smash the mirror, when a strong but gentle hand grabbed my wrist.

"I would not do that if I were you. Batman might order you back to the hospital."

Sighing, I brought my hand down to rest at my side and I sat back down on the crate.

"I miss her."

Kaldur sat down next to me, resting his chin on my head and rubbing my back in circles. "I know."

I thought about the first time I met Willow, the young, blind, innocent girl found abandoned in the woods who somehow, instinctively, was able to teach me to control my brand-new powers. The girl who became one of the first "real" friends I'd ever had. "Willow is the best friend I've ever had. And because of that, I thought we'd always do everything together." I admitted. "But...but I can't force her to do something. I can't force her to stay. If she wants to do something different, I'll let her do it. If she wants to leave, I..."

"She will come back, Emma. You have to believe that." Kaldur told me.

"How do you know?" I asked him bitterly.

He rubbed my cheek with his thumb, holding my head so that I looked up at him. "Because I know you, I know Willow, and I know that nothing can keep your friendship apart for long. You two are closer than sisters."

"And Richard?"

Kaldur smiled, "The two of you are twins. You'll find him when he's ready to be found."

I smiled back, resting my head on his chest. Without even realizing it, I began to hum.

"'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile..."

"What is that song you're singing?" Kaldur mused aloud.

"Oh," I blushed, remembering how much Kaldur liked to hear me sing. "It's by Taylor Swift. It's called "Sparks Fly"."

August 29, 2016. 10:30.

All thoughts of leaving the Grace house left my mind. It was close to my old house, for one thing, and for another, it had Connor.

Sparks Fly [Book Two in the "Fire And Lighting" Series]Where stories live. Discover now