Chapter Forty-Five- Truth

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Above: My sister's reaction to the previous chapter.

June 20, 2016. 13:56
North Pole.

Pyro's dark chuckle echoed like the inside of an old cathedral.

She rolled her neck to loosen up, looking so much like Willow, and yet not like Willow.

"Would you believe it?" She asked, laughing like this was some sort of joke to her. "Let me out!"

The comms came back online, and the rest of us were pressed with questions from the rest of the League, asking if we were alright, if the crisis was over. Dinah asked if Willow was okay, and Pyro tore out her earpiece, crushing it under the heel of her boot.

M'gann held Artemis, who was crying over Wally's death. Jaime and Sarah stood over Bart, who held a sobbing Bridget protectively.

"No," I shook my head, clearly in denial. I walked backwards as Pyro walked forwards.

"Willow would never-"

"I'm living proof." Pyro shrugged.
"Now." Her head whipped around to face the Allen twins, cowering on the ground as Pyro sneered at them.


She advanced towards them, fire in her hands and murder in her eyes.

"This does not concern you" she sent a warning our way. "All we want is justice."

Blur whimpered, too scared to move as Pyro drew closer to her and her brother.

"You should have slowed down." Pyro growled.

"We didn't kill him!" Impulse protested weakly. "We came back to save him!"

"Lies!" Pyro lunged forward, launching fire at Bridget and Bart.

Brass Beetle and Blue Beetle jumped in front of them. "Stay away from them!" Sarah cried, she aimed a her sonic cannon at Willow, but the fire caught her across her chest. Jaime caught Sarah as she crumpled to the ground, and when Bridget leaned forward to see if she was alright, more fire cut her cheek.

"Bart! Get her out of here!" Flash, having recovered from his earlier blow, instructed Impulse. He ran towards Pyro, hoping to catch her off-guard, but she grabbed his arm and judo-flipped him on his side. Wielding a deadly-looking knife, she stabbed his side and ground her foot into the wound.

"Willow!" I screamed. The wind and the snow were beginning to pick up. If we were here much longer we'd get caught in a blizzard.

Connor stood beside me, beefy arms crossed over his chest. "Stop this. Now."

On the other side of Connor was M'gann and a red-faced Artemis. She had stopped her crying only to help her friend, bent on "avenging" Wally's death. I looked to my right, there were Richard and Kaldur, all staring down Pyro. We'd done it five years ago. We could do it again.

Pyro snarled, "Make me." she shoved her hands out at us, momentarily distracted from Flash, and a menagerie of fire beasts sprung out of nowhere, charging for me and my friends.

Instinctively, I spread my wings in front of Kaldur. Richard grabbed Artemis and pulled her under at the last second, and Superboy shielded M'gann.

Flash gasped for breath, trying to keep Pyro distracted from Bart, who was trying to sneak up on her. " this what Wally...would have wanted?"

Pyro's face darkened, "Shut up! This is justice!" she cried, digging her boot into Flash's side even more.

She turned, knife still in hand, and slashed Bart across the chest. He groaned and fell down next to his grandfather, both on the verge of unconciousness.

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