Haru x Reader

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The Seal Lullaby

Hey guys this was requested by @_laauryn_ , thanks for requesting *^* I love all my readers and thanks for all the votes and views. So I didn't have any ideas for this and just started writing this during choir class bc I was bored. So I'm basing this one the song we were working when I was writing this.

~Fab Chi

"Oh hush thee, my baby,
the night is behind us,
And black are the waters that sparkled so green.
The moon o'er the combers, looks downward to find us.
At rest in the hollows that rustle between."

You hummed the tune as you walked to the pool in Iwatobi high. Choral practice had been so rough, with the director yelling at the choir when you guys messed up. Now, the song you guys had been working hard on was stuck in your head.

You reach the pool but only find Gou there. "Hey Gou-chan, where is Haru-senpai?"

"Geez (Y/N)chan, can't you ever call me Kou?" Gou pouts at you. You and her have been good friends for years so this was normal interaction now-a-days.

"Not in your lifetime, you shall always be Gou-chan." You respond with a laugh.

She sighs and looks at you, "Your Boyfriend is changing now, what was that song you were humming just now?"

"Oh that? It's a song we were working on for choir, it's called The Seal Lullaby." You tell her and she nods.

"Yep, that's perfect."


"Oh, nothing, it was really pretty though, oh look it's Haru." She says quickly and points to the door of the male changing room.

"Haru-senpai~" you call out and race over to hug his arm, overall you like another Nagisa but he didn't mind. "Are you done for the day then?"

"Yeah," Haru replies simply, his usual expression on his face but slight details that you learned to pick up for dating him gave away that he was happy to see you. The slight raise of his kissable and perfect lips and the faint blush tint that was barely noticeable on his flawless cheekbones.

"Then let's go home together, my parents said I can stay at your place tonight since tomorrow is the weekend." You say as the two of you start to walk away from the pool. Actually you had to beg your dad to allow you to stay at Haru's, you had to convince him that Haru wasn't a bad guy who would attack you in the night

"Sure," He replies monotony but you smile warmly as you walk home hand in hand.

~Time Skip~

You were getting ready for bed, changing into one of Haru's shirts after your bath. "Look Haru-senpai, it's so big, isn't it cute~?"

Indeed the shirt was big, it hung around your small frame and looked more like a dress than a shirt. Haru chuckled at the sight, "Yeah (Y/N), very cute." With that he pulls you into his arms from where he sat on the bed.

You yawn as his warmth surrounds you snuggle against his chest. "We should sleep," he says and he picks you up in his arms, only to put you under the covers on the bed before joining you.

"(Y/N)?" He asks after you snuggled against him again.

"Yeah?" You reply somewhat sleepily.

"Can you sing that song from this afternoon?"

"The Seals Lullaby?" You ask looking at him, blushing slightly

"Yeah, it sounded really good," Haru replies with a sweetness in his voice that only you ever hear. Though you were embarrassed, you begin softly singing the lullaby.

Part of the way through, you yawn again and see that Haru had fallen asleep to your lullaby. 'Guess it's not just a seal lullaby, looks effective on dolphins too,' you mentally chuckle at the thought.

"I love you, Haru..." You say sleepily as you give him a kiss on the forehead before falling into a deep slumber safely in his arms.

And that's it. Sorry it's weird but I couldn't not think of our lovely Free characters when I got this song in choir. Please know that the lyrics I typed in the beginning aren't all of them. I'm curious now, do I have any readers who are fellow singers? I take private voice lessons, and tomorrow actually I'm singing the Star-Spangled Banner at my schools game for them. Anyway hoped chu liked it, vote and comment your opinions. Also don't be afraid to make requests, okay? :3

~Fab Chi

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