Nagisa x Reader

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Christmas Cookies

Hey guys this is another one of my Christmas presents to all of you readers that celebrate Christmas or just want to read this (I don't judge). As promised, this is the Nagisa x Reader I mentioned in the Nitori x Reader so I hope you guys will enjoy this. Also I know that the thing Nagisa is eating the picture isn't a cookie but let's pretend it is bc I don't really know what it is. Anyway, enjoy the oneshot...

~Fab Chi

Probably your favorite part of all of the holiday season is making Christmas cookies with those you love. Plus this year you have someone new to bake with; your husband, Nagisa, who you married a few months ago. Of course, he had baked with the last few years as your boyfriend but this was the first year the two of you would be celebrating Christmas together as husband and wife.

"(Y/N)chan, what do I start with?" Nagisa says as he stands in front of the mixer with all the ingredients laid out in front of him.

You smile as set down the bowl you were mixing another cookie dough and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "Normally you mix all the dry ingredients together before adding the wet ones, as long as the recipe doesn't say different. Since we are just making sugar cookies here, it's fine to just do it like I said."

It was always funny how after spending the last few Christmas Eves together making cookies, Nagisa didn't really remember how to start. Or maybe he did and just like to ask you for help to see you smile as you explain it. Either way, spending Christmas Eve with him was always fun.

You went back to mixing the dough in your bowl as you watched Nagisa work to mix the sugar cookie dough. Christmas music played faintly in the background as the two of you worked. The two of you joked lightly as you worked on the cookies.

~Time Skip~ 

Once all the cookies were baked and cooled, the two of you began to decorate the various shapes of the sugar cookies. 

You held up a Santa shaped cookie that was half finished and said, "Hey Nagisa, how does Santa take pictures?"

A smile was already wide across you face and Nagisa couldn't help but smile too as he asked, "what?"

"With his North Pole-ariod," You say while giggling and Nagisa gives a little chuckle, because let's be honestly it was a terrible but funny pun. Plus you were too adorable when you can barely get the punchline of a joke out before laughing. 

About five minutes later, the two of you were now decorating reindeer cookies and you say, "Why does Scrooge love Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?"

Nagisa humors you and replies with, "why?"

"Because every buck is dear to him." You say with a little giggle and Nagisa gives a little shake of his head playfully.

Almost immediately, you ask, "Why is Christmas just like your job?"

Again, Nagisa gives a lighthearted "why?" in reply. 

"You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit." You say and Nagisa actually laughs loudly with how true that really was. 

After that, the two of you fall into a comfortable silence with the Christmas music playing softly in the background.

That is until Nagisa asks, "Why doesn't Santa have any kids?"

Since Nagisa was making the joke this time, you quickly reply a "why?"

"He only comes once a year." Nagisa says with a deadpan and then the two of you start giggling like you were still high schoolers. 

"Oh my god Nagisa, I can't believe you just said that," You said in between giggle fits as you were both trying to get a breath.

"You liked that joke, admit it (Y/N)chan." He says as he gives you a kiss. It was sweet like frosting and always felt as special as your first kiss. "I love you, (Y/N). Merry Christmas."

And that's the end I guess. I have no idea why this oneshot became a collection of Christmas puns but it did and I hope you enjoyed it. Blame Izuki possessing me if you didn't like the puns. Anyway I'm sorry this is so late after Christmas but I hope you all still liked it and thanks for reading...

~Fab Chi

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