Yandere! Nagisa x Sweet! Reader

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Iwatobi Mental Institution

Hey guys this was requested by @BeYourself_789 I would like to thank you for the request and i hope that I make this to your liking. I'm not going to lie, your request seemed really hard at first. The first thing to go to with a Yandere personality is violent but you request no killing or gore. So I reached out, looking up the definition of Yandere and found that it is basically the Japanese term for bipolar. Which makes sense, and they don't have to be violent. A Yandere can also be psychotic instead of violent, or you know they can be both. I may be totally wrong about what I just said and if it is, I'm sorry. So for this oneshot, it's an AU where all of our Free! boys are in the Iwatobi Mental Institution. I hope that this will make sense and hope you all like it.

~Fab Chi

~? POV~

Iwatobi Mental Institution was a relatively nice psychiatric facility for the mentally ill. There weren't many residents there. In fact, there were a total of five residents.

Nanase Haruka, a young male who suffers multiple personality disorder. The doctors still don't know how many personalities he has total but some of them are dangerous.

Tachibana Makoto, a young male who suffers from severe anxiety disorder. The doctors have located the cause as an incident with the ocean when he was young, and has him here for treatment. So far, no treatment has helped heal him.

Ryugazaki Rei, a young male who suffers from schizophrenia. The doctors have been examining him due to how early he began to show symptoms of the mental disorder.

Matsuoka Gou, a young female who suffers from abnormal fangirl episodes. The doctors have yet to determine what triggers these episodes, though they do suspect it has to do with muscles and hot guys. (Same Gou, same. I suffer this as well XD)

Lastly, there is Hazuki Nagisa, a young male who has bipolar disorder and suffers psychotic episodes at random times. Lately, the doctors have notice that there has been one psychotic hallucination that he has seen everyday for a few weeks now. 

What is the hallucination? Well, the doctors can't just disclose that kind of information to just anyone so for now, we should continue our observation of the blond patient named Nagisa.

~Nagisa's POV~

Nagisa sat in the corner of his room, blanket wrapped tightly around him. The white rooms in were relatively nice at Iwatobi Mental Institution, ever since he had come here six months ago. However the white walls always seemed to glare at him with their bright white color.  The blond preferred the comfort curling up away from those glares.

He was lonely here at the Institution, having not really made friends with the other residents there since his stay began. It wasn't like he didn't like them or they didn't like him but it wasn't often that he got to meet with them, and half the times he had seen them, he was struggling with fighting the depression he sometimes woke up with some days.

"It's okay, Nagisa-kun." A voice says to the curled up boy and a delicate hand is placed on his shoulder.

He looked up at the figure, a (H/C) haired girl smiled at him. "(Y/N)chan, you're here again today." Nagisa croaked a little from his unused voice. He hadn't really spoken at all since he last visit, not even to the doctors. (H/C) means hair color

"Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I come to see you?" (Y/N) said with a sweet smile. She sat on the floor in front of him as they began their talk like  they had everyday.

"I'm crazy, that's why. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." Nagisa said sadly, his voice beginning to sound normal the more he talked.

The (H/C) haired girl tilted her head. "I don't think you're crazy, Nagisa-kun. It doesn't matter what they have told you here, you aren't crazy. What matters most, Nagisa-kun, is what's in here." She said strongly and pointed to his chest.

Nagisa manages a soft smile, the girl always cheered him up, especially when his depression got bad some days. "Thanks, (Y/N)chan."

(Y/N) smiles back at Nagisa. "So do you have any good stories for me today?"

This was usual interaction between the blond patient and the (H/C) haired girl. She would help cheer him up with her kind and sweet personality, then Nagisa would tell her a story about something, usually about the other patients or sometimes it was just a random story he made up.

"And then, Makoto, whom seems really close with Haru, points to the the game board where I guess two of his personalities were playing against each other and says, 'Um, Haru? You are playing checkers, not chess.'" Nagisa says and (Y/N) laughs. Soon, the blond joins in and both laugh for several minutes.

Suddenly, (Y/N) gets up from the floor and dusts of her pants. 

"It's time for you to go isn't it?" Nagisa asks in a quiet voice, same as everyday, and she nods.

"Sadly, yes. They will be hear to give you your meds soon, so I have to go." The (H/C) haired girl says.

Before (Y/N) leaves, she bends down to Nagisa and gives him a soft kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back tomorrow." She promises before disappearing.

Nagisa remains curled up in the corner, a hand on his cheek where she had kissed him. She had never done that before. 

A soft knock on the door, five minutes later brought Nagisa back to the present. "Hazuki-san, I have your meds," said a soft female voice, that for a moment Nagisa thought might be (Y/N). He was wrong and a nurse with red hair enters the room. 

"Carol..." Nagisa said in greeting and she approached him.

"Hello, here's your medication." She said, setting the tray with the medicine and water in front of him. "Did you see (Y/N) again today?"

Nagisa nodded as he takes the medicine. He usually told Carol about the visits he got from the (H/C) haired girl. "It was slightly different today, though."

"How so?" Carol asked lightly with a smile.

"She gave me a kiss before she disappeared today." He said in a quiet voice.

Carol nodded and wrote it down in a little notebook that Nagisa knew she showed to the doctors. "Usually when a person has such hallucinations, it means they are lonely. I'll speak with the doctors to see if you can get more to spend with the other patients." She said quietly with a nod before leaving with the empty tray.

Nagisa sighed softly. He hated that word, hallucination. Even if (Y/N) had been made up in his mind, she was always real to him. She was a friend who accepted all of him. She would always be special to Nagisa.

And that's the end everyone. I'm sorry if anything in this oneshot isn't correct science wise and all that shiz, I've never suffered any of these mental disorders. I hope you enjoyed this oneshot and I'm sorry it took so long to get out. Thanks for reading everyone...

~Fab Chi

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